
Lancashire early years PSED road map specialist toolkit.

SEND Specialist Teaching Service - Early years

All early year's settings are supported by a link specialist teacher. The specialist teacher supports settings with issues related to SEND policy and procedure and inclusive provision and practice. In addition to this general role specialist teachers are also available to support settings where they and/or parents/carers have concerns about a specific child’s progress and development. This support comes via the Early years Request for Involvement.

Inclusion Service

Inclusion Service area teams contacts

SEN support and EHC plans

SEND forms and guidance. Includes one page profile, SEN support plan, EHC assessment requests, advice forms and annual reviews.


Portage is an educational home-visiting service for pre-school children who have significant special educational needs and disabilities. The Portage team support parents and carers in their own home to develop their child's play and learning and promote positive outcomes.

Early years sensory impairment support

Early years sensory impairment support helps pre-school children with hearing, vision, or multisensory impairments.

Inclusion fund

The Inclusion Fund is provided to support 3- and 4-year-old children with special educational needs (SEN) who are taking their entitlement to funded early education or childcare.

Educational psychology requests

Guidance for SENCOs in regarding how to make a request for educational psychology involvement.

Early years ASD transition toolkit (PDF 664 KB)

Transition toolkit: supporting successful transition experiences for children with autism and social communication needs in the early years.

Transition is to ‘change’ or ‘move.’ Many children, particularly those with SEND, can find transitions difficult, for children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other social communication needs, it can be particularly challenging. For children with this profile of strengths and needs, the difficulty can stem from inflexibility of thought and increased anxiety linked to uncertainty. This, alongside differences in understanding their social environment, makes it tricker for these children to grasp the expectations and routines of a new setting.

SEND local offer directory: 0-4 years old

Local offer: 0-4 years old. Find services for families including children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Lancashire and nationally, if relevant. Lancashire's SEND directory for education, family support, health, things to do and wellbeing.