Multi Agency Support Panel (MASP)

In order to comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), where personal data relating to a data subject is collected, Lancashire County Council would like to provide you with the following details.

Identity and contact details of the data controller

  • Lancashire County Council, PO Box 78 County Hall, Fishergate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 8XJ

Contact details of the data protection officer

  • Our Data Protection Officer is Joanne Winston. You can contact her at or Lancashire County Council, PO Box 78 County Hall, Fishergate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 8XJ

Purposes for processing

The MASP will create a mechanism for concerned parties to refer young people they feel maybe vulnerable to being drawn into serious violence, gang crime or being criminally or sexually exploited.

The initial referral form as well as and subsequent actions and interventions agreed at the Multi agency meetings and any relevant information from 3rd parties will be stored on the Lancashire County Council's secure system. Referrals will be made via Lancashire County Council's secure version of Microsoft Forms. This mode of collection has been approved by Lancashire County Council digital services and Lancashire County Council corporate communications departments.

The vast majority of referrals are expected to be made from schools and settings in the Lancashire area and Lancashire County Council has appointed an education lead to facilitate delivery of the MASP and the wider Serious Violence Duty response.

Upon initial referral, the partners will attend panel meetings to discuss specific cases, these discussions and the outcomes of specific meetings will be managed by each partner in accordance with UK GDPR and Data Protection Act (2018).

This activity will enable the MASP to effectively safeguard individuals from being drawn into the criminality described above.

Category of personal data being processed

  1. Personal data (information relating to a living, identifiable individual)
  2. Special category personal data (racial, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation)

Legal basis for processing personal data

The legal basis for processing your personal data, in accordance with the UK GDPR is:

(e) Public Task: the processing is necessary for us to perform a task in the public interest or for our official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law. We will cite the applicable task/function and its' basis in law if we wish to rely on this basis for processing.

Where Lancashire County Council collects, handles and shares personal data for MASP purposes, it does so by relying on UK GPDR Article 6 (1) (e) Public Task as its lawful basis.

It relies on this lawful basis by virtue of the following legislation and national statutory guidance:

Legal basis for processing special categories of personal data

The legal basis for processing special categories of personal data relating to you, in accordance with the UK GDPR is:

  • (g) processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, on the basis of domestic law which shall be proportionate to the aim pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject;

Where Lancashire County Council relies on UK GDPR Article 9 (2) (g) Substantial Public Interest it does so by virtue of the following legislation:

The Education Act 2002 section 175 (1) "A local authority shall make arrangements for ensuring that their education functions are exercised with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children".

This also aligns with Statutory guidance from Government in "Keeping Children safe in education 2024" and "Working together to safeguard children 2023" guidelines.

Data Protection Act (2018) Schedule 1 Part 2 (18) Safeguarding of children and individuals at risk

For criminal record data, Article 10 is the lawful gateway - processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences. Processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences or related security measures based on Article 6 (1) shall be carried out only under the control of official authority or when the processing is authorised by domestic law providing for appropriate safeguards for the rights and freedoms of data subjects. Any comprehensive register of criminal convictions shall be kept only under the control of official authority. (rather than using Art 9 conditions for processing)

Where criminal record data is processed by Lancashire County Council and the partner organisations involved in MASP, the lawful basis that is relied on in such circumstances is:

Data Protection Act (2018) Schedule 1 Part 2 (18) Safeguarding of children and individuals at risk

Recipients of the data

MASP partner agencies will be involved in the sharing of necessary and proportionate personal data depending on the case, necessity and lawful basis for sharing.

These partners include:

  • Schools and settings across Lancashire
  • Police departments including Safer Neighbourhood Teams, Neighbourhood Policing Teams and Exploitation teams
  • Fire Service
  • District Local Authority Community safety teams

Youth Services external to Lancashire County Council Services

  • Substance misuse services
  • NHS bodies relevant to safeguarding children
  • Social Housing providers and Private Landlords

Information we share

Name of Referrer Organisation

  • School/College
  • Position Contact Number
  • Location
  • Contact Email
  • Name of Child Address
  • DOB
  • Age School Attended
  • Neet Y/N
  • Name of parent or guardian
  • Address
  • Consent for intervention purposes relating to MASP Y/N
  • Other Agencies Involved with data subject

Any transfers to another country

No data transferred out of UK

Retention periods

Lancashire County Council will only store your information for as long as is legally required or in situations where there is no legal retention period they will follow established best practice.

File type Description Security Retention period
MS Forms MASP Referral form Lancashire County Council IT Security protocols Personal Data within MASP will be deleted in line with the Management of Police Information (MOPI) guidelines, which will see case records deleted 5 years from the date of case closure after a cases’ 12-month review. This schedule is currently under review.
MS Word Minutes actions of MASP meetings Lancashire County Council IT Security protocols Personal Data within MASP will be deleted in line with the Management of Police Information (MOPI) guidelines, which will see case records deleted 5 years from the date of case closure after a cases’ 12-month review. This schedule is currently under review
MS Teams Online meetings, recordings and discussion of MASP referrals and content in chat within Application Lancashire County Council IT Security protocols Personal Data within MASP will be deleted in line with the Management of Police Information (MOPI) guidelines, which will see case records deleted 5 years from the date of case closure after a cases’ 12-month review. This schedule is currently under review

Your rights

You have certain rights under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), these are those rights:

  • to be informed via Privacy Notices such as this.
  • to withdraw your consent. If we are relying on your consent to process your data then you can remove this at any point.
  • of access to any personal information the council holds about yourself. To request a copy of this information you must make a subject access request in writing. You are entitled to receive a copy of your personal data within 1 calendar month of our receipt of your subject access request. If your request is complex then we can extend this period by a further two months, if we need to do this we will contact you. You can request a subject access request, either via a letter or via an email to Information Governance Team, address below.
  • of rectification, we must correct inaccurate or incomplete data within one month.
  • to erasure. You have the right to have your personal data erased and to prevent processing unless we have a legal obligation to process your personal information.
  • to restrict processing. You have the right to suppress processing. We can retain just enough information about you to ensure that the restriction is respected in future.
  • to data portability. We can provide you with your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine readable form when asked.
  • to object. You can object to your personal data being used for profiling, direct marketing or research purposes.
  • in relation to automated decision making and profiling, to reduce the risk that a potentially damaging decision is taken without human intervention.

If you want to exercise any of these rights then you can do so by contacting:

Information Governance Team
Lancashire County Council
PO Box 78
County Hall


To ensure that we can deal with your request as efficiently as possible you will need to include your current name and address, proof of identity (a copy of your driving licence, passport or two different utility bills that display your name and address), as much detail as possible regarding your request so that we can identify any information we may hold about you, this may include your previous name and address, date of birth and what council service you were involved with.

Further information

If you would like more information about this specific service then please contact Syed Naqui SVD Education Co-ordinator

For more information about how we use personal information see Lancashire County Council's full privacy notice.

If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact the Information Governance team who will investigate the matter.

Lancashire County Council, PO Box 78 County Hall, Fishergate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 8XJ or email:

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).