Appendix 2 – Retention Periods in Access to Education Entitlements
Where data is held on the Education Management System (EMS) against a child, the EMS retention periods will apply.
Where data is not held on the EMS system against a child, the following retention rules will apply.
File Type | Description | Security | Retention Period |
Emails held in Outlook that haven't been exported or moved elsewhere. | Encrypted used when emailing personal data to partners. | To allow the allocation of a preferred school place, in accordance with published admission criterion. Retained until the pupil has reached the age of 25. The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012. |
To support the processing of requests for intervention regarding school non-attendance.
To support investigations in relation to Children Missing Education:
School Admissions - School Preference Data COLLECT - Secondary | Statutory requirement for DfE. | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. | Held by DfE in accordance with DfE reporting requirements |
School Admissions - School Preference Data COLLECT - Primary | Statutory requirement for DfE. | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. | Hold in accordance with DfE reporting requirements. |
School Admissions - eAdmissions / late application eform; In Year Admissions eform. | Statutory requirement upon a Local Authority to provide parents with a system to apply for a school place. | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). | To allow the allocation of a preferred school place, in accordance with published admission criterion. Retained until the pupil has reached the age of 25. The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012 |
School Admissions - Appeal Check List | To gather information pending School Admission Appeal Submission | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. | Retained for two academic years. School Standards and Framework Act 1998 School Admissions Appeal Code. |
School Admissions - Admission Appeal Form and eform | School Admission Appeals | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). | Retained for two academic years. School Standards and Framework Act 1998. School Admissions Appeal Code. |
Free School Meal Forms | Eligibility for free school meals. | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. | Destroyed after 12 months. |
Free School Meal eforms. | Eligibility for free school meals. | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). | Destroyed after 12 months. |
Home to School Transport Appeal Forms. | Application for home to school transport appeal | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. | Destroyed after 36 months. |
Home to School Transport Appeal eforms. | Application for home to school transport appeal | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). | Destroyed after 36 months. |
E7/10 | Application for home to school transport. | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. | Destroyed after 12 months. |
E7/10 eforms | Application for home to school transport. | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). | Destroyed after 12 months. |
CME referral forms | Online form for notification of CME or at risk of CME to the CME team | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). | Forms part of Children Missing Education intervention folder:
CME panel notes | Form used to manage discussions at multi-disciplinary panel | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. | Forms part of Children Missing Education intervention folder:
School non-attendance legal intervention forms | Requests from schools and/or other professionals for legal interventions (School Attendance Orders, Penalty Notices, Prosecutions, Education Supervision Orders) | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. | Forms part of School Attendance Legal intervention folder:
Pupil Attendance Support intervention forms | Requests from schools and parents for support in relation to pupils who do not attend school regularly | LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). | Forms part of School Attendance intervention folder: