Appendix 2 – Retention Periods in Access to Education Entitlements

Where data is held on the Education Management System (EMS) against a child, the EMS retention periods will apply.

Where data is not held on the EMS system against a child, the following retention rules will apply.

File Type Description Security Retention Period
Email Emails held in Outlook that haven't been exported or moved elsewhere. Encrypted used when emailing personal data to partners. To allow the allocation of a preferred school place, in accordance with published admission criterion. Retained until the pupil has reached the age of 25.
The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012.
To support the processing of requests for intervention regarding school non-attendance.
  • Retained until subject is 31 years old unless,
  • Child has been subject to EHCP/SEN statement in which case, retained until subject is 45 years old unless,
Child was known to be looked after at any point in their education history in which case, retained until subject is 75 years old.
To support investigations in relation to Children Missing Education:
  • Retained until subject is 31 years old unless,
  • Child has been subject to EHCP/SEN statement in which case, retained until subject is 45 years old unless,
Child was known to be looked after at any point in their education history in which case, retained until subject is 75 years old.
School Admissions - School Preference Data COLLECT - Secondary Statutory requirement for DfE. LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Held by DfE in accordance with DfE reporting requirements
School Admissions - School Preference Data COLLECT - Primary Statutory requirement for DfE. LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Hold in accordance with DfE reporting requirements.
School Admissions - eAdmissions / late application eform; In Year Admissions eform. Statutory requirement upon a Local Authority to provide parents with a system to apply for a school place. LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). To allow the allocation of a preferred school place, in accordance with published admission criterion. Retained until the pupil has reached the age of 25.
The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012
School Admissions - Appeal Check List To gather information pending School Admission Appeal Submission LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Retained for two academic years. School Standards and Framework Act 1998 School Admissions Appeal Code.
School Admissions - Admission Appeal Form and eform School Admission Appeals LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). Retained for two academic years. School Standards and Framework Act 1998. School Admissions Appeal Code.
Free School Meal Forms Eligibility for free school meals. LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Destroyed after 12 months.
Free School Meal eforms. Eligibility for free school meals. LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). Destroyed after 12 months.
Home to School Transport Appeal Forms. Application for home to school transport appeal LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Destroyed after 36 months.
Home to School Transport Appeal eforms. Application for home to school transport appeal LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). Destroyed after 36 months.
E7/10 Application for home to school transport. LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Destroyed after 12 months.
E7/10 eforms Application for home to school transport. LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). Destroyed after 12 months.
CME referral forms Online form for notification of CME or at risk of CME to the CME team LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). Forms part of Children Missing Education intervention folder:
  • Retained until subject is 31 years old unless,
  • Child has been subject to EHCP/SEN statement in which case, retained until subject is 45 years old unless,
  • Child was known to be looked after at any point in their education history in which case, retained until subject is 75 years old.
CME panel notes Form used to manage discussions at multi-disciplinary panel LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Forms part of Children Missing Education intervention folder:
  • Retained until subject is 31 years old unless,
  • Child has been subject to EHCP/SEN statement in which case, retained until subject is 45 years old unless,
  • Child was known to be looked after at any point in their education history in which case, retained until subject is 75 years old.
School non-attendance legal intervention forms Requests from schools and/or other professionals for legal interventions (School Attendance Orders, Penalty Notices, Prosecutions, Education Supervision Orders) LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Forms part of School Attendance Legal intervention folder:
  • Retained until subject is 31 years old unless,
  • Child has been subject to EHCP/SEN statement in which case, retained until subject is 45 years old unless,
Child was known to be looked after at any point in their education history in which case, retained until subject is 75 years old.
Pupil Attendance Support intervention forms Requests from schools and parents for support in relation to pupils who do not attend school regularly LCC network folder with access limited to those within the relevant service(s) within LCC. Server backups and audit logs held by digital services. Netcall Liberty Create cloud-based software. The completed forms are delivered to mailboxes via email (see above re security for email). Forms part of School Attendance intervention folder:
  • Retained until subject is 31 years old unless,
  • Child has been subject to EHCP/SEN statement in which case, retained until subject is 45 years old unless,
Child was known to be looked after at any point in their education history in which case, retained until subject is 75 years old.