Access to the council's official information

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 you have a right to request any recorded official information held by the council. The information you require may already be publicly available. The council has a duty to make official recorded information available The council has a duty to make information available via a publication scheme. Before you submit a request please check the publication scheme.

If you need to make a request, it must be done in writing. You can:

You do not need to say why you want the information. Your request must include your name, and an address for correspondence (if you apply by email, your email address is a suitable address for correspondence). Please ensure you identify the information you want as clearly as possible.

With certain limited exceptions, you are entitled to a response within 20 working days.

It costs nothing to make a freedom of information request. However, the county council can refuse to deal with your request if doing so would cost more than £450 (which equates to 18 hours' work). In extreme circumstances, the county council may also charge for the cost of photocopying and postage.

You may not get the information you asked for:

  • If the council does not hold the information you have requested
  • If the information is exempt from disclosure
  • if finding the information you have requested would take longer than 18 hours

If we are unable to supply any of the information you have requested, we will tell you the reasons why. More information available in the exemptions guide.

For more details please refer to the Information Commissioner's Office website.

Access to the council's decision making process

Information on the decision making process of the council can be found in the constitution.

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