Bus gate on Corporation Street in Preston city centre

The bus gate markings on Corporation Street

A bus-only section (known as a bus gate) is planned between Heatley Street and Marsh Lane in both directions.

The bus gate has been designed to reduce traffic along Corporation Street, make bus journeys faster and more reliable, and encourage more walking and cycling.

The aim is to reduce traffic levels on Corporation Street, especially at peak times, improving this route to and from UCLan, Ring Way, the city centre and the railway station.

Enforcement began on Tuesday 21 May. See below for more information on this.

When it is in operation, private cars will not be allowed through. Buses, Hackney carriages and cyclists will be allowed through at all times (but not private-hire vehicles).

People are urged to find out about the alterations to the network in this part of the city before they travel, as routes could be different to your previous journeys.

We know that some journeys by car or other motor vehicles are necessary.  People can still travel by car, but their journey may involve a slightly different route.

Friargate bus gate map

Why we are doing this

Corporation Street trafficThis part of Corporation Street has queuing traffic at busier times. Our aim is to reduce the number of vehicles coming through this area, when there are other suitable alternative routes for them.

It has been designed to reduce traffic in this area, make bus journeys faster and more reliable, and make walking and cycling more appealing options.

Some car journeys might be longer, but the alternative bus journey will be quicker for many people.

Congestion and queuing traffic increases air pollution and makes walking and cycling less attractive.

Transport has an important role in our everyday lives for journeys to and from work, education, shops and healthcare. We want to encourage people to travel in other ways, such as by bus, cycling and walking.

A reliable and sustainable transport system will help to make it a greener, healthier and more inclusive place to live and work.

Find out more about the wider improvements as part of this scheme by visiting Transforming Friargate North and Ringway - Lancashire County Council.

What's planned

The section of Corporation Street between Marsh Lane and Heatley Street, near the university campus, became bus-only in both directions from Tuesday 21 May.

Buses, Hackney Carriages and bicycles will be allowed to use this section, but private-hire taxis won't be able to. It will be in effect 24 hours a day.

Signs will be put in on Corporation Street before the bus gate starts operating, to show when people are entering it and which vehicles are able to travel through it.

This change is part of wider improvements in and around the city centre. The aim is to provide people with more options for their journey and encourage more public transport and active travel use such as walking and cycling. 

Advertising and consultation on the Corporation Street proposals took place, which were then agreed by the Cabinet.

How it is enforced

Now the bus gate is fully operational, PCNs will be issued to discourage people from driving down the bus-only section when they shouldn't.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras will be used for this.

We don't want to issue any fines, so please follow the correct route using the clearly displayed signs.

Find out more about enforcement and payment on our bus lane page: Bus lanes - pay or challenge your penalty notice - Lancashire County Council

Other road changes

New one-way routes will keep access for local residents and businesses, and reduce unnecessary use by people who are only travelling through the area.

These are Marsh Lane (west to east), and Heatley Street (except cycles) from Ladywell Street to Chandler Street.

Alterations are being made to the road network in the area to provide alternative routes.

The one-way street on Marsh Lane between Corporation Street and Friargate will be changed to provide a route for drivers who find themselves at the bus-only section and can't use it, taking people back towards the university.

Find out more about the wider improvements by visiting Transforming Friargate North and Ringway - Lancashire County Council.