A582 and Leyland Road updated proposals

A582 junction

Our proposals

The questionnaire is now closed for comments. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete it.

The proposals are still available to view on our StoryMap page.

New proposals have been developed to improve journeys on the A582 between Preston and the M65 and provide better provision for buses, walking and cycling between Preston and Lostock Hall.

The aim is to reduce congestion and improve journey times along the A582 between the M65 and Preston to support economic growth, provide better access to existing employment sites and support the delivery of new homes.

Upgrades on the A582 would also support and enable improvements to be made to the residential routes through Lostock Hall, Lower Penwortham and Preston.

The proposed changes would make these places more attractive and vibrant places to live, and would improve walking, cycling and public transport options.

We’re proposing to use new and advanced technology which will help to manage traffic effectively and prioritise buses and freight through junctions, improving journey times and air quality.

The aim is to reduce congestion and improve journey times along the A582 between the M65 and Preston to support economic growth, provide better access to existing employment sites and support the delivery of new homes.

Why we're doing this

The aim of these proposals is to reduce congestion to support economic growth, provide better access to existing employment sites and support the delivery of new homes already identified within South Ribble's Local Plan.

These plans would support all road users, and seek to reduce transport related carbon emissions and improve air quality by the provision of bus network improvements and enhanced walking and cycling facilities along Leyland Road and Fishergate Hill to enable more sustainable travel choices for local trips.

Map of the A582 major roads network junctions and route

Next steps

The opportunity to deliver the scheme would involve a funding bid to the Government's Major Road Network (MRN) funding programme.

The county council's Cabinet on 7 March 2024 agreed to a bid for funding to the government's Major Roads Network programme, towards the cost of delivering these plans. Work is underway to prepare the submission of an outline business case.

The public consultation is part of the design process. Following this consultation, a formal bid will be submitted to the government for funding.

At the Lancashire County Council Cabinet meeting on Thursday, January 16, Councillors recommended approving funding towards development activity including the preparation of a full business case for Government funding and the use of the county council's powers to compulsorily purchase land needed for a new junction configuration to replace the two roundabouts at Croston Road.

The report seeks approval to draw down up to £6m of the local match funding put in place for this transport scheme by the county council in March last year, to support remaining development activity and purchase land that can be acquired by agreement. For more information see Item 9 on 16 January cabinet report.

Lancashire County Council has submitted a planning application to improve the Croston Road junction of the A582, as part of the ongoing phased improvements to the A582 in Preston and South Ribble. 

About the route

The A582 is a key route across South Ribble, running between the M65 junction at Cuerden to the 'Tank' Roundabout next to the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Farington, then continuing towards Penwortham and onto Preston.

These revised proposals reflect changes in travel habits, including post-Covid flexible working arrangements, since the original scheme was set out and the publication of the Government's Transport Decarbonisation Plan in 2021.

Creating a dual carriageway

The A582 scheme had previously proposed the creation of a dual carriageway along the A582. The creation of a dual carriageway is still an aspiration.
These latest proposals will help by providing additional capacity along the road, while still working towards the potential for dualling in the future. The new design has been developed to fit with both the existing road and any future dualling proposal.

Find out more information about the new proposals in the Cabinet report.