Street lighting column replacement

Lancashire County Council has over 170,00 streetlighting columns. We have a programme to replace columns that have exceeded their expected useful life span and currently there are more than 26,000 columns over 40 years of age.

Lancashire County Council has a structural testing programme which provides data to identify those columns which are of the highest priority, this process looks at the countywide asset.

Spring budget 2023 column replacement

Approved Budget £550,000

Spend as 1 March 2024 £550,000

County wide columns replaced 348

Network North column replacement

2023/24  column replacement

Approved budget £874,738

Spend as 1 May 2024 £343,800

  Predicted column numbers Budget
Chorley 29 £45,790
West Lancashire 211 £333,158
South Ribble 64 £101,053
Rossendale 196 £309,474
Pendle 18 £28,421
Burnley 36 £56,842
Total 554 £874,738

2024/25 column replacement

Approved budget £300,000

  Predicted column numbers Budget
West Lancashire 105 £165,823
Rossendale 85 £134,177
Total 190 £300,000