REPPIR Plans and Information within Lancashire

Under the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019, Local Authorities must plan for mitigating the consequences of a nuclear off-site emergency. To ensure that arrangements are in place to deal with the off-site consequences of an incident at a nuclear facility, however unlikely, Lancashire County Council as the designated Lead Local Authority must produce an Off-Site Emergency Plan. The off-site plan is in addition to the site operator on-site plan and is developed by the County Council working with a number of organisations including Local Authorities, emergency services, health organisations and staff from site operator. The plan is designed to protect the public and environment from any radiation emergency which may have off-site consequences. In Lancashire, we have two sites which fall under REPPIR 2019 Regulations; Springfields Fuels Limited, Salwick, Preston and EDF Energy Heysham Power Stations, Heysham. Both Off-Site Emergency Plans are written in accordance with the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019.

Please see the links to key websites and documents; this provides you with additional information from the Regulators, links to the regulations and Public Health England.

Heysham Power Stations

An incident at Heysham Power Stations may case an increased risk to public health and require specific protective actions to be put into place by the emergency services. A range of information been produced to help you understand what might happen if an incident occurs.

Determining the Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (DEPZ)

Lancashire County Council is now required under Radiation (Emergency Preparedness & Public Information) Regulations (REPPIR) to determine the Heysham Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (DEPZ). Previously, the Office for Nuclear Regulations were required to set DEPZ. See the background to this work.

The revised DEPZ was agreed by Lancashire County Council on 5 March 2020 and is based upon the recommendations contained within the EDF Energy Consequences Report. The DEPZ is approximately a distance of up to 2.3km from the site (PDF 1 MB). The justification and decision reached in the revised DEPZ can be viewed in the DEPZ Determination Report (PDF 3.22 MB).

EDF Energy Nuclear Generation (operator of Heysham Power Stations) is required to assess potential hazards from working with ionising radiation which have the potential to cause a radiation emergency.  This information is used to evaluate a full range of consequences and the conclusions of this evaluation are provided to Lancashire County Council in a Consequences Report (PDF 499 K).

A letter (PDF 164 KB) has been sent to those who live and work within the DEPZ, informing them of the recent determination to the DEPZ. A separate letter (PDF 164 KB) has been sent to whose are new to the DEPZ following the determination. A leaflet (PDF 173 KB) explaining the protective actions members of the DEPZ may need to take was sent with the letters.

Stable Iodine Distribution

If you have received a letter inviting you to access stable iodine tablets, please fill out the form below.

Access stable iodine form

If you experience difficulties in using the form or have any questions please contact us:

0300 123 6701

Outline Planning Zone

The Outline Planning Zone (OPZ) is a new concept under REPPIR 2019; please see the Outline Planning Zone Map (PDF 997 KB) for Heysham Power Stations and the Prior Information Leaflet (PDF 173 KB). Further information regarding the OPZ can be obtained in the Q&A paper.


To support residents living or those working within the DEPZ and those within the OPZ, a Q&A Paper (PDF 318 KB) has been put together to give you further information on the regulations and what the requirements are.

Springfields Fuels Limited

An incident at Springfields Fuels Limited may case an increased risk to public health and require specific protective actions to be put into place by the emergency services. Springfields Fuels Limited is covered by REPPIR 2019 and the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 2015. A range of information been produced to help you understand what might happen if an incident occurs.

Determining the Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (DEPZ)

Lancashire County Council is now required under Radiation (Emergency Preparedness & Public Information) Regulations (REPPIR) to determine the Springfields Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (DEPZ). The previous DEPZ was set by the Office for Nuclear Regulation in 2017; justification can be found in the ONR report setting out the background to the new DEPZ.

The revised DEPZ was agreed by Lancashire County Council on 30 October 2019 and is based upon the recommendations contained within the Springfields Consequences Report. The DEPZ is approximately a distance of up to 1.8km from the Site (PDF 1.06 MB).The justification and decision reached in the revised DEPZ can be viewed in the DEPZ Determination Report (PDF 1.57 MB).

Springfields is required to assess potential hazards from working with ionising radiation which have the potential to cause a radiation emergency.  This information is used to evaluate a full range of consequences and the conclusions of this evaluation are provided to Lancashire County Council in a Consequences Report (PDF 538 KB).

A letter (PDF 60.6 KB) has been sent to all those who live and work within the DEPZ informing them of the recent determination to the DEPZ. A leaflet (PDF 178 KB) explaining the protective actions members of the DEPZ may need to take was sent with the letters.

Outline Planning Zone

The Outline Planning Zone (OPZ) is a new concept under REPPIR 2019; please see the Outline Planning Zone Map (PDF 1.21 MB) for Springfields Fuels Limited and the Prior Information Leaflet (PDF 217 KB). Further information regarding the OPZ can be obtained in the Q&A paper.


To support residents living or those working within the DEPZ and those within the OPZ, a Q&A Paper (PDF 318 KB) has been put together to give you further information on the regulations and what the requirements are.

Further Information & who to contact

If you require further information regarding any of the information presented you can use the following contacts: