COMAH plans
To ensure that arrangements are in place to deal with the off-site consequences of an incident at the site however unlikely, Lancashire County Council produce an off-site emergency plan. This is a requirement under the Control of Major Accident Hazards 1999 (as amended) – known as COMAH.
For information about these regulations go to the following link:
Amendment 2008
The off-site plan is in addition to the company on-site plan and is developed by the County Council working with a number of organisations including the local authority, emergency services, health organisations and staff from the site. The plan is designed to protect the public and environment from any emergency which may have off-site consequences.
A key part of the off site plan relates to giving information to people who live and work in the immediate vicinity of the site (known as the Public Information Zone). Security protocols mean that a substantial part of the off site plan cannot be placed in the public domain.
All persons and organisations within the Public Information Zone around the site have been issued with information on what to do in the event of an off-site emergency.
If you require further information please contact Lancashire County Council Emergency Planning Service.
The Emergency Planning Service writes 6 site specific COMAH plans for sites within Lancashire. These are listed below, along with contact details for each of them.
Baxenden Chemicals Ltd
Contact Name: Chris Moreton
Tel No: 01254 872278
Johnson Matthey
For information about the company:
Contact Name: Liz Campbell
Procter & Gamble
Tradebe Solvent Recycling Ltd
Tel No: 01524 865408
Vinnolit Hillhouse
For information about the company:
Contact Name: Paul Harley
William Blythe Ltd
For information about the company:
Contact Name: Safety, Health and Environment Manager
* Lancashire County Council is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.