Strategy and funding

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) strategies and commissioning arrangements. Part of the SEND local offer.

Strategy and funding

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) strategies and commissioning arrangements. Part of the SEND local offer.

Lancashire SEND Partnership

Bringing together all the agencies in Lancashire which provide the special educational needs and disability (SEND) services for children, young people, their parents and carers.

Special provision fund

How the council proposes to spend government funding to create new school places and improve existing provision for children and young people with education, health and care plans.

Accessibility strategy

How Lancashire County Council will work to improve accessibility for children and young people with SEN and disability; including working with the schools we maintain and academies to improve accessibility for pupils (PDF 291KB).

Lancashire SEND Plan 2021-2025

Improving the lives of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Lancashire Joint SEND Commissioning Arrangements 2024/2026

Lancashire County Council and Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Integrated Care Board