This policy statement is updated on an annual basis. If you have any comments or feedback, please email


Every local authority in England has a statutory duty to prepare and publish an annual post 16 transport policy statement. This must comply with the requirements of section 509AA of the Education Act 1996 regarding the adequate provision of transport to facilitate the attendance of persons of sixth form age receiving education or training. It must be noted that, whilst there is a requirement to publish a policy statement, there is no requirement on local authorities to provide free or subsidised post 16 travel support.

'Sixth form age' refers to those young people who are over 16 years of age but under 19 or continuing learners who started their programme of learning before their 19th birthday (academic years 12, 13 or 14).

This policy statement sets out the transport support available to young people of sixth form age and young people up to the age of 25 who have a special educational need or disability (SEND) or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who are entering or continuing in further education or learning.

Policy statement aim

The policy statement aims to provide information regarding the transport support available for young people in the age groups stated above who are resident in Lancashire and are accessing post 16 education and training in the academic year 2024/25. This is intended to encourage participation by removing transport as a barrier to learning.

The information within this statement is accurate at the time of publication.

Transport and travel support

Discounted travel schemes available from public transport providers

The provision of public transport in and around Lancashire is largely undertaken by local commercial bus operators. Most operators offer discounted tickets or travel passes to students. Students and their families are encouraged to check their travel options when making a decision about their post 16 education. To assist with this, details of the main commercial bus operators in Lancashire can be found at annex 1 and this includes details of the discount schemes currently available to students.

Young people on an apprenticeship may also be eligible for discounted travel through local bus companies. For more information, please contact the relevant public transport provider using the details found at annex 1.

The Government has extended its Get Around for £2 by bus scheme (GOV.UK) until 31 December 2024. Participating bus operators (GOV.UK) will charge no more than £2 for a single ticket. A number of the operators set out in annex 1 are part of this scheme.

Rail travel

With regard to rail travel, young people aged between 16 and 25 are able to apply for a 16-25 railcard. This railcard entitles the holder to a third off rail fares. People aged over 25 and in full time education can also apply. More information on this railcard can be found on the 16-25 Railcard website.

Northern Rail offer a 16-17 Saver Railcard, which is valid for one year or until your 18th birthday, whichever comes first. This railcard entitles the holder to 50% of Standard, Anytime, Off-Peak, Advance and Season tickets across England and Wales. There are no time restrictions and no minimum fares. For more information, visit the Northern Rail website.

For more information on planning a journey, such as timetables and departure times, please visit the Traveline website or call them on 0871 200 2233.

Travel support from further education colleges

All of the colleges within Lancashire and the neighbouring areas of Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen offer travel passes or subsidised/discounted tickets to 16-18 year old students. Students and their families are advised to contact their preferred college directly to discuss transport and travel support. To assist with this, details of the colleges in Lancashire, Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen can be found at annex 2 and this includes details of the discount schemes currently available to students.

Where a student has applied for support directly from a further education college but this has not been successful, the complaints/appeals process specific to that institution must be followed.

Government Funded Schemes

The 16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16-19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome specific financial barriers to participation so they can remain in education. There are two types of 16-19 bursaries and these are:

  • Bursaries for defined vulnerable groups of up to £1,200 a year. The defined vulnerable groups are students who are:
    • in care
    • care leavers
    • in receipt of income support or universal credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner
    • in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as either Employment Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right
  • Discretionary bursaries which institutions award to meet the needs of individual students, for example, to help with the cost of transport, meals, books and equipment. Individual institutions set their own eligibility criteria for discretionary bursaries, in line with the Department for Education's funding rules.

Schools and colleges are responsible for managing both types of bursary. Students and their families are advised to contact their preferred school sixth form, academy sixth form or college to understand their discretionary bursary fund eligibility criteria or to make an application.

A student must be aged 16 or over but under 19 on 31 August 2024 to be eligible for help from the bursary fund in the 2024/25 academic year. Students aged over 19 can apply for the discretionary bursary if they have an EHCP or are continuing on a course they started aged between 16 and 18. Students aged over 19 are not eligible for bursaries for vulnerable groups.

More information about the 16-19 Bursary Fund, such as the eligibility criteria, can be found at 16 to 19 Bursary Fund on the GOV.UK website.

Care to Learn

The Care to Learn scheme provides funding for childcare to help young parents (defined as those aged under 20 at the start of their course) continue in, and return to, education after the birth of a child. The scheme provides funding for childcare whilst the young parent is engaged in learning and is not able to provide care for their child. It can also help with any additional travel costs involved in taking the child to the childcare provider. Travel payments go directly to the student's school or college and they will either make a payment to the student directly or will make the travel arrangements on their behalf. The scheme is available for publicly funded courses in England, including courses in schools, school sixth forms, sixth form colleges, other colleges and learning providers and children's centres.

The eligibility criteria for the scheme includes the following:

  • You are a parent under the age of 20 at the start of your course
  • You must be the main carer and in receipt of child benefit for the child(ren) for whom you are claiming Care to Learn
  • You must be living in England
  • Your course qualifies – your learning provider can confirm if a course is eligible
  • Your childcare provider qualifies.

More information about the Care to Learn scheme, including the full eligibility criteria, can be found by visiting Care to Learn on GOV.UK by calling the Student Bursary Support Service on 0800 121 8989 or by visiting the Care to Leanr online portal.

Discretionary Learner Support

If you are aged 19 or over, on a further education course and facing financial hardship, you could access learner support funding. This funding can help pay for things like accommodation and travel, course materials and childcare. Learning providers administer their own schemes and they will determine how much funding a student is awarded. They will also determine how this funding is paid to the student.

For more information, students aged 19 and over are advised to contact the student support service at their chosen college to discuss this funding and their application process. You can also contact National Careers Service about other funding you may be able to access.

More information about learner support is available at Learner Support on GOV.UK.

Residential Bursary Fund

The Residential Bursary Fund (RBF) is intended to support 16-18 year old students who are participating in a specialist subject at a designated provider. The provision being accessed is mainly, but not exclusively, land-based provision. The RBF is not intended to support students accessing general provision which is widely available, such as A levels – if it is being used in this way, this must be a genuine exception based on the individual's circumstances. Students aged over 19 are only eligible for the RBF if they are continuing on a study programme they started aged between 16 and 18 or if they have an EHCP.

The RBF provides financial help towards the cost of residential accommodation for students attending one of the designated institutions delivering specialist provision. This type of provision would not be available locally and/or requires the student to attend at unsociable hours on a regular basis and consequently, the student needs to live away from home.

In Lancashire, Myerscough College is a recipient of the RBF. Students wishing to access specialist provision at the college can contact the finance office at Myerscough College on 01995 642398 or email to discuss if they are eligible for residential bursary support.

You can find more information about the Residential Bursary Fundon GOV.UK, including the full eligibility criteria.

Residential Support Scheme

The Residential Support Scheme (RSS) is designed for the exceptional situations where the same or similar substantial level 2 or level 3 qualification a student wishes to study cannot be accessed locally, within a reasonable daily travelling distance of their home address. A reasonable daily travelling distance is defined as a daily return journey which takes 2 hours or less on public transport; or a distance of less than 15 miles from the student's home or term time lodgings to their chosen institution. Most students supported by the RSS tend to live in rural areas and have limited access to a wide range of 16-18 further education provision. Students must apply for the RSS through their chosen institution.

To be eligible, you must be aged 16 or over but under 19 on 31 August 2024. Students aged 19 or over are eligible if they are continuing on a study programme they started aged between 16 and 18 or if they have an EHCP.

You can find more information about the Residential Support Scheme on GOV.UK, including the full eligibility criteria and advice on how to claim this funding.

Support for young people who have a special educational need or disability or an Education, Health and Care Plan

Prior to the end of Year 11, Lancashire County Council will work with parents, the young person, if 16 years or over, and the young person's current school to determine what support is required to enable travel to and from their future post 16 setting. This will be done through the Inclusion Service's SEND Team.

In line with the Preparing for Adulthood agenda of encouraging independence and building self-esteem, support for travel to a post 16 education or training provider will take the following form:

  • mainstream public transport;
  • independent travel training;
  • contracted transport from pick up and drop off points or a travel assistance grant; and
  • in exceptional circumstances, contracted transport from home.

The travel assistance grant is designed to help parents/carers make any necessary arrangements to facilitate their child's access to education. It is provided at the discretion of the Council and is only offered where it supports the efficient use of resources. If a travel assistance grant is provided, the parent/carer would arrange the transport for their child, not the Council. It is unlikely that a grant will be provided where suitable local transport is already available. You can view current travel assistance grant values on our website.

Where travel assistance is provided, it will be at the start and end of the post 16 education or training provider's day and not around the individual's bespoke timetable.

There is no automatic entitlement to free home to school/provider transport if a young person is over the age of 16 at the beginning of the academic year (1 September 2024). This is regardless of whether they are working a year behind. Those who do not qualify for financial support under the council's post 16 home to school travel assistance policy will need to make their own travel arrangements to and from the school/provider. Colleges can advise and investigate if a young person is eligible for free or subsidised transport (conditions apply).

For more information, please visit the special educational needs and disabilities section of our website.

Students with a special educational need or disability or an EHCP maintained by Lancashire County Council

Generally, travel assistance will only be considered to the nearest provider with post 16 provision which, in the opinion of the council offers an appropriate course. An appropriate course is one that enables the young person to meet their learning and/or employment objectives or is specifically designed to meet the student's special educational needs. The following conditions also apply:

  • The young person is under 19 years old when they start their course; and
  • The distance between the young person's home and their education provider is more than three miles by the nearest suitable walking route.

Home to school/provider transport assistance will be considered for young people aged 16-19 who are attending their nearest appropriate school/provider which is within the three mile walking distance if they could not be reasonably expected to walk there, accompanied as necessary, by reason of their SEND or mobility difficulties. Cases are considered on an individual basis and medical evidence is required before transport assistance is agreed.

Where a young person is able to access and use the public transport network safely, they will be expected to do so. Where appropriate, passenger assistant support will be provided for a period of time to support the young person to develop independent travel skills.

No assistance will be provided under this policy for the following:

  • A student who is aged 19 or above when they start a further education course;
  • A student choosing to attend a part time course, which is less than 12 hours; or
  • A student undertaking a higher education course.

A Post 19 policy is being developed in line with section 508F of the Education Act 1996. It will be consulted on prior to implementation. Applications for transport should continue to be made to the relevant Inclusion Service Area Teams.

Any student who is unable to attend a full time course by reason of their disabilities may be considered for transport assistance. However, any application must be supported by clear evidence from the school/provider and/or medical professionals working with the student.

Where travel assistance is provided, it would normally consist of a maximum of one outward journey and one return journey from home to setting/designated pick up and drop off points. For young people who have been placed in residential provision by the council, transport assistance would normally consist of one outward and one return journey per term.

It is also important to bear in mind that the decision to provide transport is based on the young person's needs. This means that the council is not able to take the following into account when considering home to school/provider transport entitlement:

  • Parents' work or other commitments
  • Attendance by siblings at other schools
  • A journey from one educational establishment to another
  • Ad hoc visits to other schools, colleges or other establishments
  • Out of hours clubs.

The provision of transport will be reviewed as part of the annual review of the EHCP.

Attendance at a school/provider outside of Lancashire

If a young person chooses to undertake a full time further education course at a school or provider outside of Lancashire, travel costs will only be met if the school or provider attended is the nearest one providing an appropriate course and the journey is three miles or more. If a place is available on a comparable course at a nearer school or provider in Lancashire, no assistance will be provided.

Passenger assistants

There is no specific duty on the council to provide passenger assistants for young people carried on home to school/provider transport. However, fulfilling a duty of care to passengers and others may involve the provision of a passenger assistant.

A passenger assistant may be provided to accompany a young person with significant needs arising from a medical condition or a disability and where there is an exceptional need for care or supervision. The decision on whether to provide a passenger assistant will be made as part of the transport application evaluation, taking a number of factors into account. Such factors may include information relating, but not limited, to:

  • medical issues
  • health and safety related issues, including risk to self or others
  • the young person's mobility
  • any challenging behaviour arising from the young person's SEND
  • where a passenger has severe learning or physical difficulties, the need for continual care and supervision
  • age and capability
  • length of journey
  • the vehicle type and size.

A 1:1 passenger assistant will only be provided where there is substantial evidence which demonstrates a young person may be at significant risk or may pose a significant risk to others on the same route if they travel without supervision. Any assessment for an individual passenger assistant must be supported by detailed evidence which clearly demonstrates the nature and level of risk to themselves and/or others.

In exceptional cases and where a young person has a severe medical condition which requires support during transportation, professional medical support may be provided. Any assessment for this level of support must be supported by detailed evidence which clearly demonstrates the nature and level of risk to the individual.

Where a passenger assistant is provided, they will:

  • travel with the young person from a designated pick up point to an agreed drop off point;
  • assist with entry to and exit from the vehicle;
  • ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, a safe journey for the young person and other passengers;
  • provide a caring environment whilst on the vehicle; and
  • act as an extended communication channel between home, the transport service and school.

A passenger assistant may supervise more than one young person on a journey, consistent with providing the appropriate level of service for each individual whilst they are on the vehicle.

First aid may only be given by a passenger assistant trained to do so. A passenger assistant will only administer any form of medication in an emergency, and only to a young person who has a known medical condition and who has the appropriate medication or specific instructions with them; and then only when the passenger assistant has been specifically trained to administer the medication or appropriate intervention. In an emergency situation, a passenger assistant will call 999 and as best as they can, place the young person in a comfortable and safe position.

In cases where a young person has a severe medical condition and requires support during transportation, professional medical advice will be sought as to what level of support is required.

Where a young person requires a passenger assistant and has a regular carer through a Social Care package and using this carer would not place an undue burden on public expenditure and ease the transport for the young person, the Inclusion Service and Transport Department will liaise to facilitate the use of this carer as the transport passenger assistant.

Parents/carers/young people must provide details of all up-to-date information regarding the young person's/their needs. Once transport with a passenger assistant has been arranged, parents/carers/young person must provide full details of any changes in the young person's/their needs and circumstances, including any information specific to the journey, in writing to the Inclusion Service Area Teams.

Route reviews

Over a period of time, the young people travelling to a school/provider may change as some young people will leave and some will join. Sometimes the needs of the young people travelling also change.

Our transport teams regularly review transport operators and individual transport routes to make sure that they meet the needs of the young people travelling as much as possible, as well as delivering best value for public expenditure.

It is not possible to consult with parents/carers/young people as part of an operator or route review. This is to enable operator/route reviews to be carried out in a timely and efficient manner and to avoid raising expectations that preference for a particular form of provision will override the cost-effectiveness or efficiency. However, where a young person's EHCP indicates that they are is particularly sensitive to change, the impact of any proposed change will be considered. This may involve discussion with the school/provider or the parent.

Parents/carers/young people may receive notification at any time that the type of transport provision for their young person's/their school/provider transport is to be changed as a result of a review. Changes may involve:

  • changes to the contractor employed
  • changes to Passenger Assistant provision
  • changes to timings.

Notice will be given of changes wherever possible, but some may need to be made at very short notice, for example as a result of termination of a contract with a vehicle operator or sickness.

Further support for students with a disability

In addition, students with a disability, if eligible, can apply for the NoWcard. The NoWcard is part of the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme and is jointly operated by Cumbria and Lancashire County Councils and Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool Borough Councils to enable concessionary bus travel for both older and disabled residents.

You can apply for a pass which will entitle holders to free off-peak travel, between 9.30am and 11pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday, Sunday and on bank holidays, on local bus services throughout England.

The scheme is open to all citizens over the age of 5 who:

  • are registered blind or partially sighted
  • are registered profoundly or severely deaf
  • are without speech
  • have a long term and substantial disability that means they cannot walk or which makes walking very difficult
  • have a learning disability that is a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning
  • do not have both arms or have long term loss of the use of both arms
  • would be refused a driving license under Section 92 of the Road Traffic Act (1998), otherwise than on the ground of persistent drug or alcohol misuse.

To apply for a NoWcard, Lancashire residents should contact the NoWcard helpline on 0300 123 6737 or visit the NoWcard website for more information.

Independent travel training

Travel training helps people develop the skills they need to travel independently and safely on public transport, by foot or by bike. It aims to help people travel on their own without fear so they can get to work, to education, or places where they want to go to for leisure.

The Inclusion Service can refer people for independent travel training if they are eligible. For more information, follow the link provided. Alternatively, please email or phone your local Inclusion Service Area Team.

In addition, colleges may provide training and support for independent travel. Students and their families are advised to contact their preferred college directly to discuss whether this is available.

Local authority transport information

Travel to a school sixth form

Students attending a school sixth form in Lancashire may be able to travel on a contracted school bus service provided by the council, subject to the availability of places. Please note that fees would apply. In addition, some schools organise their own transport for sixth form students. Please contact your preferred school directly to determine if this is available.

You can find more information on school bus season tickets, such as the availability of a place or the price of a season ticket, on the school bus season tickets webpage. Alternatively, please contact the School Transport Enquiry Line on 0300 123 6738 or email

Financial support towards the fees may be available through the 16-19 Bursary Fund. Students and their families are advised to contact their preferred school sixth form to understand their discretionary bursary fund eligibility criteria or to make an application.

Travel to a special school

Lancashire County Council provides a home to school transport service for students with SEND up to the age of 19 if they are continuing to attend school, subject to eligibility for transport assistance.

Some students, subject to eligibility for transport assistance, attending a special school in Lancashire may be able to travel on a contracted school bus service provided by the council, subject to the availability of places. Please note that fees would apply.

You can find more information on school bus season tickets, such as the availability of a place or the price of a season ticket, on the school bus season tickets webpage. Alternatively, please contact the School Transport Enquiry Line on 0300 123 6738 or email

Financial support towards the fees may be available through the 16-19 Bursary Fund. Students and their families are advised to contact their preferred special school to understand their discretionary bursary fund eligibility criteria or to make an application.

Complaints and appeals

Should you wish to make a complaint to the council in relation to this policy statement, please visit the relevant compliments, comments and complaints section of the website. Alternatively, you can call 0300 123 6701, email or write to the following address:

Complaints and Appeals Team
Legal and Democratic Services
Lancashire County Council
Christ Church Precinct
County Hall

With regard to transport provision for young people with SEND or with an EHCP, parents or young people can appeal against a decision not to provide transport, the mode of transport or passenger assistance if they feel there are exceptional circumstances. The Student Support Appeals Committee will consider any written information provided to support your appeal but you will not be allowed to present this information in person. The Student Support Appeals Panel decision is final unless there is a significant change in your circumstances which means the appeal should be reconsidered.

If you wish to submit an appeal, please contact your local area education office.

Useful links and contacts

Public Transport Information – for information on public transport within the county, including bus timetables and ticket prices.

Lancashire Cycling Routes - find traffic-free routes and links to useful apps that can help you plan your journey by bike.

The Student Transport Enquiry Line can be contacted on 0300 123 6738 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, please email

Traveline – for information on bus and rail travel as well as a journey planner.

GOV.UK subsidised transport for 16-19yr olds in education – this government website allows you to find your local council, who will have information on the services, discounts and concessions available in your local area for travel to a school sixth form or college.

Access to Work – this government funding can help you get support to do your job or get to and from work if you are aged 16 or over and have a physical or mental health condition or disability. This includes transport support.

For information on the post 16 transport arrangements in the neighbouring local authority areas of Blackpool and Blackburn, these can be accessed from the following websites: