Annex D Home to school transport policy for pupils attending secondary pupil referral units

The policy will be applied when considering how the secondary aged pupils, attending the 7 secondary Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) in Lancashire undertake the journey to school. It will only apply to those pupils attending places commissioned by the Local Authority, permanently excluded pupils and those approved by the Alternative Provision (AP) Officer who are new to area and referred by the Pupil Access Team.

The transport costs of pupils attending intervention places at the PRU will continue be paid for by the commissioning school. Pupils attending the PRUs for medical provision are not covered by the policy and current arrangements.

The policy recognises the statutory duty of the Local Authority to make full-time educational provision for permanently excluded pupils from Day 6 of the exclusion.

The policy will be reviewed annually.


Under section 508 (B) of the Education Act 1996, the Authority must provide transport assistance for pupils attending their nearest qualifying school where the distance between home and school is more than three miles. When assessing eligibility to receive transport assistance, the PRU will be the nearest qualifying school.

There is additional assistance available for pupils from low income families where the nearest qualifying school is over 2 miles from the pupil's home. This applies for pupils whose parents are on the qualifying benefits to receive free school meals or the maximum amount of Working Tax Credit.

Determining suitable transport

Permanently Excluded Pupils:

At the PRU admission meeting, there will be a discussion with parents about how the pupil will undertake the journey to school. At this point, it is noted that the PRU may have limited background information in relation to the pupil and any risk factors associated with independent travel.

In deciding whether a taxi should be provided, consideration will be given to:

  • Age and maturity of the child.
  • Health and safety related issues, including risk to self or others.
  • Accessibility of PRU on public transport.
  • Length of journey.
  • Vulnerability of pupil.
  • Whether a child is physically able to walk the distance from home to school or from home to an agreed pick up point.
  • Any special educational needs.

A taxi may initially be commissioned to ensure compliance with the statutory requirement that pupils are in Day 6 provision and to encourage regular attendance from the point of admission to the school.

Where a taxi has been provided and the pupil has been on roll for six weeks, a review will take place of whether the pupil would be able to undertake the journey to school with a travel pass. The assumption will be that a travel pass will be issued unless the pupil meets one of the criteria listed below.

Where it is deemed that a pupil can safely undertake the journey to school using public transport, a bus pass application will be completed with a passport size photograph and forwarded to the local Pupil Access Team to be processed.

If a taxi is still required a member of the PRU staff will complete an application form explaining why a bus pass is not suitable and provide additional supporting evidence, where appropriate.

Where a taxi is in place, transport arrangements will be reviewed on a termly basis by PRU staff to monitor costs, quality and safety.

Travel passes will not be suitable for:

  • Pupils whose journey to school on public transport would take over an hour.
  • Pupils who would have to undertake more than one change of bus to undertake the journey to school.
  • Pupils on high support.
  • Pupils at risk of flight or CSE.
  • Pupils who are defined as having severe emotional, social or behavioural difficulties for the period of their attendance at the PRU.

Commissioned alternative provision (AP) pupils:

Prior to commissioning AP, a member of the Pupil Access Team will gather full background information, including the behavioural history, and any ongoing involvement of professionals.

As the vast majority of commissioned places are for pupils who will be attending Year 11 provision, a travel pass will normally be provided where the statutory distance requirements are met.