Proposed 2025-26 admission policies for consultation

Admission authorities must consult whenever they want to make changes to their policies or every seven years if there are no proposed changes.
The county council is the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools. For academies, free schools, foundation and voluntary aided schools, the governing body or the academy trust is the admission authority.

Co-ordinated admission scheme
Community and voluntary controlled schools
How to respond to the county council
Voluntary aided and foundation schools, free schools and academies

Co-ordinated admission scheme

Lancashire has a co-ordinated admissions scheme which applies to families seeking school places for September 2025.

The scheme makes applying for a school place more transparent for all parties involved in the admission process. As coordination is a legal requirement, all Lancashire schools are included within the arrangements.

The aim of the co-ordinated scheme is to provide all parents with an offer of a single school place on the same day.

Community and voluntary controlled schools

2025/26 – proposed admission arrangements and admission numbers

The admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools and sixth forms are proposed and determined by Lancashire County Council as the admissions authority.

We will consult with parents and the local community to make sure our admission arrangements meet future needs.

Relevant Area for 2026/27, 2027/28 and 2028/29 admissions

Relevant area consultation - 26 to 27, 27 to 28 and 28 to 29 

How to respond to the county council

If you would like to respond to the consultation or make any comments, please send them to by Friday 22 December 2023.

Voluntary aided and foundation schools, free schools and academies

These schools are their own admission authorities and set their own admission policies.

Schools must consult for a minimum of 6 consecutive weeks within the consultation period of 1 October 2023 to 31 January 2024. The date shown against the school name below indicates when they submitted their proposed arrangements for consultation. If you would like to comment on these please contact the school direct.

Admission authorities must take account of any responses received to their proposed policies when determining their final admission arrangements.

If you are unable to find the school you are looking for please ring the Pupil Access Team on 01772 531 676 for assistance. Please remember that only schools which are proposing changes are listed.

Proposed admission arrangements (policies) for voluntary aided and foundation schools, free schools and academies will be published as we receive them.