Determined admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled primary schools for 2024/2025

All districts

The purpose of the admission arrangements is to ensure that all school places for maintained schools are allocated and offered in an open and fair way.  Lancashire County Council (LCC) must comply with the School Admissions Code, published by the Department for Education [DfE], which has 'a force of law'.  When a school is oversubscribed, ie, it has more applicants than places available, a policy is required to allocate and offer places in an open and fair way, in line with the School Admissions Code. Listed below is the policy and associated procedures used by LCC when allocating places for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools.  The supplementary notes and Geographical Priority Areas [GPAs] which form part of the admission arrangements make it clear to parents how and why places are allocated in a fair, clear and objective way:

Determined admissions policy for community and voluntary controlled primary schools - 2024/2025

The determined policy for admission to community and voluntary controlled primary schools for 2024/2025 is listed below:

An admission number will be published showing the maximum number of pupils that the school will admit in the Autumn Term 2024.   Parents are given the opportunity to express three preferences for a primary school.  Published criteria are used to decide which children should be offered the available places.  In primary schools, an equal preference scheme is operated to comply with the Schools Admission Code, whereby three parental preferences are given equal status and are considered equally against the admissions criteria.  If a school is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be applied in priority order:

Primary Schools

When a school is oversubscribed on parental preferences, then the following priorities apply in order:

  1. Looked after children or a child who was previously looked after, but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangement order, or special guardianship order or those children who appear to the school to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (see note (x) below), then
  2. Children for whom the Local Authority accepts that there are exceptional medical social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school concerned (see note (i) below, then
  3. Children with older brothers and sisters attending the school when the younger child will start, (see note (iii) below), then
  4. Remaining places are allocated according to where a child lives. Those living nearest to the preferred school by a straight line (radial) measure will have priority, (see note (v) below.

When a primary school with a GPA is oversubscribed the following priorities will be applied in order:

  1. Looked after children or a child who was previously looked after, but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangement order, or special guardianship order or those children who appear to the school to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (see note (x) below), then
  2. Children for whom the Local Authority accepts that there are exceptional medical, social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school concerned. (See note (i) below) then
  3. Children living within the school’s geographical priority area with older brothers or sisters attending the school when the younger child will start, (see note iii below).
  4. Children living within the school’s geographical priority area, then
  5. Children living outside the school’s geographical priority area with older brothers or sisters still attending the school when the younger child will start (See note (iii) below) then
  6. Children living outside the school’s Geographical Priority Area (see note (iv) below.

GPAs relate to:

Mayfield Primary School, Lytham

Moss Side Primary School

Edisford Community Primary School

Ribblesdale School

Crawshawbooth Primary School

Waterfoot Primary School


(i) The medical, social and welfare criterion will consider issues relevant to the child and/or the family. This category may include children without an EHC Plan/Statement who have special needs.  Parents are responsible for providing the professional supporting evidence with the application by the closing date from a consultant, doctor, psychologist, social worker or from another relevant independent professional.

(ii) As required by law, all children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs/Education, Health and Care Plan naming a school will be admitted before the application of the over-subscription criteria. Children who have a Statement for Special Needs/EHC Plan will have their applications considered separately.

(iii) Brothers and sisters includes full brothers and sisters, step children, half brothers and sisters, fostered and adopted children living with the same family at the same address; and full brothers and sisters living at different addresses.

(iv) The distance criterion will be used as the tie breaker if there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria; it is a straight line (radial) measure. 

If the Local Authority is unable to distinguish between applicants using the published criteria (eg. Siblings, those living the same distance from home to school, or families residing in the same block of flats) places will be offered via a random draw.

The distance measure is a straight line measurement (radial) between the applicant’s home address points  and the address point of the school (co-ordinates provided by ordnance survey data).

(v) A child’s permanent address is the one where he/she normally lives and sleeps and goes to school from. Proof of residency may be requested at any time throughout the admissions process, (including after a child has accessed a school place).

(vi) The Local Authority will keep waiting lists for all Lancashire primary schools until 31 August 2024. These are kept in priority order using the school's published admission criteria.  From 1 September 2023, waiting lists will be transferred to and retained by individual admission authorities (the Local authority for community and voluntary controlled schools and own admission authority schools will each retain their own list).  To comply with the School Admissions Code the waiting lists must be retained until at least 31 December 2024.

(vii) Applications for school places which are received late will not necessarily be dealt with at the same time as those received by the set deadline. The reasons for a late application may be requested and where these are not exceptional the relevant admission criteria will be initially applied to all others received on time.  The late application will be dealt with after this process.

Application forms received after the published closing date, will only be considered at that time if the following conditions apply:

(a) if the number of preferences received for the school is below the published admission number or:

(b) there are extenuating circumstances justifying a late application.

These may include:

(a) parents moving into the County after the closing date;

(b) parent/carer illness which required hospitalisation for the major part of the period between the publication of the composite prospectus and the closing date for applications.

(viii) Where a child lives with one parent for part of the week and another for the rest of the week only one address will be accepted for a school admission application. This will normally be the one where the child wakes up for the majority of school days (Monday to Friday).

(ix) the highest priority must be given to looked after children and children who were previously looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order, child arrangement orders or special guardianship order). Further references to previously looked after children in the Code means children who were adopted (or subject to residence orders, child arrangement orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. This includes children who are legally adopted from overseas. Relevant, legal documents must be provided to evidence the adoption.

A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school. A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society (see Section 23ZZA(8) of the Children’s Act 1989 (inserted by Section 4 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017). This includes children who were adopted under the Adoption Act 1976 (see Section 12 adoption orders) and children who were adopted under the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (see Section 46 adoption orders). Child arrangement orders are defined Section 8 of the Children Act 1989, as amended by Section 12 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Child arrangement orders replace residence orders and any residence orders in force prior to 22 April 2014 is deemed to be a child arrangements order. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989, which defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians).

Shared Care Arrangements

When a child lives with one parent for part of the week and another for the rest of the week only one address will be accepted for a school admission application.  This will normally be the one where the child wakes up for the majority of school days (Monday to Friday).  Proof of residence may be requested at any time throughout the admissions process.

In the cases where a child lives with parents who have shared responsibility and the child’s time is split equally between two homes, the address of the parent who receives child benefit will normally be used. The Local Authority reserves the right to request further proof, in order to establish the home address, as fit the individual circumstances.

Where agreement cannot be reached:

Where shared care arrangements are in place, and parents/carers of the child submit two separate applications for different schools, the Local Authority requires parents to resolve matters between themselves, taking legal advice if necessary, and inform the Local Authority which application should be processed. The Local Authority will not become involved in private disputes.

The Local Authority has an obligation to process an application that has been submitted and signed by a parent with parental responsibility.  We will consider the living arrangements and apply the shared care arrangement rules.

If there are any challenges to which address is to be used as a child's residency, individual admission authorities will be consulted. In cases where parents are separated and both have retained joint responsibility, the application will be accepted from the parent who is in receipt of the child benefit and with whom the child primarily resides.

Where shared care arrangements are in place it may be necessary to establish the permanent home address for the child. In certain circumstances parent/carers will be asked to write to the Local Authority stating the number of days each week the child spends with them. The Local Authority may ask for evidence of which parent/carer was in receipt of child benefit at the point of application. If the parent/carer is not in receipt of child benefit, the Local Authority will ask for proof of benefit award notices; Tax Credit Award Notices and child's registered address with the GP at the point of application. If the child’s home address cannot be verified the Local Authority reserves the right to request further documentary evidence to support any claim of permanent home address.

The Local Authority cannot release information or intervene where disputes or disagreements arise between parents in relation to any DETERMINED or submitted application for a school place.

We can only process applications from one address. If your child lives at another address from you or with another parent/carer from Monday to Friday, please provide the Parental Responsibility Order or Residence/Child Arrangements Order for the person the child lives with.

Further evidence can include:

  • a copy of a court order.
  • a letter from a solicitor setting out the arrangements;
  • a joint statutory declaration (prepared by a Commissioner for Oath);
  • a tax credit award notice (TC602) for current year.

Moving House

If you are about to move house, please contact the Area Education Office with your new address so that letters which are sent to you do not go astray.  If you have already exchanged contracts on a house or have evidence of a confirmed offer of tenancy, you can ask for your child's application to be considered from the new address. It is required that a family does not just own a property, in a particular location, but that they are actually resident in the property.  Evidence of your/the child's residency in the new property will be required.  

We can’t accept a temporary address if you still possess a property that was previously used as a home address.

If you make a permanent house move after applying, but before allocation procedures have been undertaken, you must contact the Area Education Office.  You may be able to change your preferences if you are changing address to a more distant property and the allocation will be based on the new address.  We normally require two forms of evidence to confirm a house move.  It may on occasions be necessary to request additional documentation, depending upon individual circumstances.

Documents accepted to evidence a house move:

  • Proof of purchase or tenancy agreement
  • Evidence of disposal of previous property
  • Council Tax document, evidencing the end of residency in previous home.
  • Council Tax document, evidencing the residency within your new home. 

Other forms of evidence may also be accepted at the discretion of the County Council to cover individual circumstances.

If you move temporarily during the admissions process you must also discuss the matter with the Area Education Office.  Temporary addresses are rarely accepted for admission purposes. 

If you are moving to another area of Lancashire, details of schools in the area can be obtained from any Area Education Office. Admission Authorities will check address details and may randomly sample applications.

You must contact the Area Education Office if there are any changes in your child's living arrangements during the application and allocation of places period.

Places offered for Lancashire schools may be subsequently withdrawn where misleading or inaccurate information has been discovered.

Applications from abroad (and other areas of the UK)

It is no longer required that families must be physically resident in Lancashire (or nearby) in order to apply within the annual intake processes.

Where families relocate or return to an address in Lancashire after a statutory closing date but during the allocation period (ahead of finalisation of offers) then there will be considered as a late application. Appropriate evidence must be provided of ownership and date of relocation and residence at that address.

Please note that late entry to the annual intake processes will not be possible after the statutory closing dates unless an exception is agreed by the Local Authority and / or the admission authority. 

The Authority has a duty to co-ordinate admission arrangements for all Lancashire maintained schools.  The Authority will ensure that all Lancashire parents whose children will attend a reception class receive the offer of primary school place on the agreed date.

Geographical Priority Areas – Primary Schools

Geographical Priority Area for the North Area of Lancashire:

Mayfield Primary School, Lytham St Annes - Geographical Priority Area (GPA) – introduced for the  2017 Admissions round

Building work has commenced on a new housing development on the ex Pontin's site on the A584 which borders Blackpool authority (the A5230 - Squires Gate Lane and Blackpool Airport).

This is located within Lancashire but is situated on the border with Blackpool. The new properties will be situated near to Blackpool primary and secondary schools and academies. They are already located within the FY8 area so are in the Geographical Priority Area (GPA) for Lytham St Annes Technology & Performing Arts College.

There are 443 dwellings planned on this site. The pupil yield from these will depend on the type of housing which is developed and is expected to be between 75 and 168 across the primary age range. Blackpool Authority do have primary place capacity for this new development.  

The properties will, however, be some distance from the nearest Lancashire primary school. It is intended, therefore, to introduce a GPA for Mayfield Primary School in St Annes in order to give these Lancashire families some increased priority for admission.

Geographical Priority Areas (GPAs) for South Lancashire Primary Schools – Introduced in the 2011/12 Admissions round

Moss Side Primary School - Revised

The area bounded by Southport Road (A581), Moor Road (B5249), the Preston to Ormskirk railway line, Dunkirk Lane, Longmeanygate, Schleswig Way (B5253) and Leyland Lane

Geographical Priority Areas (GPAs) for East Lancashire Primary Schools

Edisford Community Primary School  (introduced in 2015/16 admissions round)

Those resident in the Low Moor area (bordered by Edisford Road to the south and the River Ribble to the west and north) as far as houses on and adjacent to Riverside and Low Moor Farm.

Ribblesdale School - (11/113) (introduced – 2023/24 admissions round – through school).

The above school's priority area is Clitheroe, Worston, Pendleton, Mearley, Whalley, Wiswell, Mitton, Read, Sabden, Simonstone, Aighton, Bailey and Chaigley, Billington, Dinckley, Balderstone, Clayton-le-Dale, Mellor, Osbaldeston, Ramsgreave, Salesbury, Wilpshire, Barrow, Stoneyhurst, Brockhall Village, Hurst Green,  Langho, Ribchester, Higham, Goldshaw Booth and Barley with Wheatley, [West of Barley Lane], Fence and Old Laund Booth.

GPAs were adopted for Crawshawbooth Community Primary School and Waterfoot Community Primary School and introduced in 2014/15 admissions round.
Crawshawbooth Community Primary School

From the north end of the Clowbridge reservoir heading south and taking in the Dunnockshaw, Loveclough, Goodshaw Fold, Goodshaw Chapel and Goodshaw areas (and surrounding farm houses). The cut off points at the south end of the area will be Lord Street and its houses and Forest Bank Road (both off the A682).The line will run East down the middle of Forest bank Road and across the top of Short Clough reservoir

The confirmation, this GPA includes Higher Nutshaw Farm, Dunnockshaw.

Waterfoot Community Primary School

Lower and Higher Boarsgreave in the south taking in houses and settlement adjacent to Cowpe Road running north to the point where the River Irwell meets Bacup Road in Waterfoot.

Families with children living within the stipulated GPA would have prior consideration for a place at the relevant school under criterion 4 – ahead of other applicants under criterion 4 with children living outside of the GPA.

Transfer between Lancashire Infant and Junior Schools 

Infant to Junior School Transfers (Year 2 to Year 3) and In Year Admissions

In Lancashire there are five infant and five junior schools which are legally separate organisations (each has its own Governing Body) but which, in pairs, have close links.

These are:

  • Ribbleton Avenue Infants and Ribbleton Avenue Juniors   (Preston)
  • Leyland Methodist Infants and Leyland Methodist Juniors (South Ribble)
  • Leyland St Andrew's CE Infants and Woodlea Juniors (South Ribble)
  • Rosegrove Infants and Lowerhouse Juniors (Burnley)
  • Whitefield Infants and Lomeshaye Juniors (Pendle)

Historically children in Year 2 at each infant school have transferred to Year 3 at the associated junior school. It is anticipated that this will continue.  The School admissions Code does state however that:

"Some schools give priority to siblings of pupils attending another state funded school with which they have close links. Where this is the case this priority must be set out clearly in the arrangements".

The current determined admission arrangements for all Lancashire's community and voluntary controlled schools prioritise admission as follows:-

  1. Looked after children and those who were previously looked after, including those legally adopted from overseas.
  2. Exceptional medical, social and welfare reasons directly relevant to the school concerned
  3. Children who will have older brothers and sisters attending the school when the younger child applies
  4. Distance - a straight line (radial) measure

These criteria do not explicitly refer to the schools named above in terms of applying the sibling test across the full age range (reception to Year 5 for September reception admissions; reception to Year 5 for all Year 2 to Year 3 transfers and reception to Year 6 for all in year admissions). Clarity is important in relation to the close links between each pair of infant and junior schools.

It is determined therefore to add statements to the determined admission arrangements for Lancashire's community and voluntary controlled schools to confirm that:-

"For Lancashire infant and junior schools which have close links (the schools will be named in information for parents) the sibling criterion for admission will be applied in relation to children on roll at either school (as appropriate) in relation to annual intakes and in year admissions"

"For Year 3 admissions at Lancashire junior schools parents with children on roll in Year 2 at any school may apply for Year 3 places (by 15 January in the year of the intended transfer). Similarly new to area families are able to apply for Year 3 places at the junior schools.

It is expected that predominantly the current situation for Year 2 to Year 3 transfers will continue. The Local Authority will however implement and manage a formal admission round for transfers if a situation develops where there are more Year 3 applicants than available places.

Officer comment: prior to formal consultation about firming up the admission policy for infant and junior schools and clarifying the information for parents a letter was sent to all of the head teachers concerned. This alerted them to the forthcoming consultation and gave the opportunity for informal views ahead of any changes. There were some informal enquiries by telephone about the need for the change but no formal objections or concerns have been received. In view of admission number mismatches for two pairs of these schools, and probable increased place demand in the future, it is essential that Lancashire provides absolute clarity about infant and junior admissions and transfers. This will ensure that the requirements of the School Admissions Code and associated legislation are met and that all schools and applicants have clear information about how admissions procedures operate.

Summer born children - Deferring or delaying school entry


The Department for Education has produced guidance 'Advice on the Admission of Summer Born Children (December 2014)'.  The guidance is non-statutory and has been produced to help local authorities, admission authorities and parents understand the framework within which admission authorities must operate, and to dispel some of the myths that appear to have arisen around the admission of summer born children.

It should be read in conjunction with the statutory document, the Department for Education, 'School Admissions Code' which was published in 2021.

When will my child reach statutory school age?

Children must be receiving full-time education by the start of the term following their fifth birthday.

  • For children born between 1 September and 31 December, they reach compulsory school age on 31 December and must be receiving full-time education at the start of the spring term (i.e. after the Christmas holidays, in January).
  • For children born between 1 January and 31 March, they reach compulsory school age on 31 March and must be receiving full-time education by the start of the summer term (i.e. after the Easter holidays, in March or April).
  • For children born between 1 April and 31 August, they reach compulsory school age on 31 August and must be receiving full-time education at the start of the new school year (i.e. after the summer holidays, in September).

Delayed admission to Reception

Parents of non-compulsory age children [four year olds] are entitled to inform the Admission Authority of their intention for their child to embark on a pattern of part-time attendance or deferment if that best suits the needs of their child.

In Lancashire, we provide for the admission of all children in the September following their fourth birthday.  Parents of non-compulsory school age children (four year olds) may choose a pattern of part-time attendance or deferment if that best suits the needs of their child.  Parents will be offered the opportunity for their child to:

  • Start Year R (Reception) in September on a full-time basis from their first day of attendance or on a part-time basis up to the point of reaching compulsory school age.
  • Defer the date their child is admitted to the school until later in the school year but not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age and not beyond the beginning of the summer term of the school year for which the offer of the school place was made.

Deferred admission to Reception

Parents who are considering deferring their child's entry to school should be aware that teachers are skilled in differentiating the curriculum to meet a diverse range of needs.  Parents are encouraged to visit the schools they are thinking of applying for, where staff will be able to explain the provision on offer to children in Reception class, how it is tailored to meet the needs of individual pupils and how the needs of each pupil will continue to be met as they move up through school.

Where a parent wishes to defer their child's admission until the following school year, parents are encouraged to make requests to defer in good time before the closing date for the normal admission round.  Parents will need to provide the detailed reasons to enable their request to be given proper consideration and are encouraged to include any supporting evidence from relevant professionals.  Please complete the County Council's application form 'Application for a Lancashire school place for summer born children'.

Parents submitting a request for admission out of the normal age group are required to also make an application for a place in their child's normal age group at the same time.  If the application to defer is made by the national closing date for applications the admission authority will ensure that the parent receives the response to their request before the primary school national offer day.

All summer born requests for deferred admission will be considered by the individual admissions authority of each preferred school. Where requests are made for differing admission authorities, the request must be sent to the local authority that will co-ordinate the request and the decisions made.  If a joint agreement cannot be reached then the decision to defer admission will only stand for any named school that agreed the request. 

When considering a request for deferred admission for a community or voluntary controlled school the following factors will be considered:

  • any delayed social, emotional or physical development which may be affecting the child's readiness for school (supported by a relevant professional);
  • premature birth and the fact that the child may have naturally fallen into a lower age group if they had been born on their expected date of birth;
  • any medical incapacity, if this has prevented access to early years provision.
  • any significant learning or special educational needs (supported by a relevant professional);
  • the views of the head teacher of the preferred school (s)
  • parental views

Making a decision in the child's best interests

The Local Authority will share information provided on the application form with the admission authorities and head teachers of the school(s) parents have expressed a preference for. They will not however be informed of the order of preferences. These admission authorities and head teachers will then come to a decision as to whether they support the request for deferred entry.  Where necessary, reports will be requested from the child's nursery.   The final decision will be for the admission authority to make.

The Local Authority will then write to parent/carers to confirm the result of these decisions.

Additional factors for consideration

Parents/carers should be aware that as the number of applications and preferences, and even the number of available places, may differ from year to year, that a deferral does not mean a place at the same school can be allocated one year later or provide any additional priority for a place.

Once a child has been admitted to a school it is for the head teacher to decide how best to educate them. The head teacher may consider that it would be appropriate for a child who has been admitted out of their normal age group to be moved to their normal age group. Any decision to move a child to a different age group would be based on educational reasons and in consultation with the parents.

For any child not being educated in the year group in which their chronological age falls there may be complications if a change of school is required or a move to another local authority. It will be for the admission authority of any receiving school to decide whether to admit the child out of their normal age group. This also applies at the time of transfer from primary to secondary school.

Any child who remains a year below their chronological age group will no longer be of compulsory school age during Year 11 of secondary school and therefore will be able to leave school before completing examinations.

There is no formal right to appeal a decision made by the admission authority.  However, for schools where the LA is admission authority, a parent may request a review of the decision made.

Determined admission numbers

Please note that the admission numbers for some schools may vary upwards upon determination to support the extra demand for school places in the area.

Determined admission number 2024/2025

School number Name of school
01001 Bowerham Community Primary and Nursery School 60
01002 Dallas Road Community Primary School 60
01003 Willow Lane Community Primary School 30
01012 Ryelands Primary & Nursery School 60
01015 Moorside Primary School 90
01018 Nether Kellet Community Primary School 15
01022 Quernmore Church of England Vol. Cont Primary School 15
01023 Tatham Fells Church of England Vol. Cont Primary School 8
01025 Caton Primary School 15
01027 Wray with Botton Primary School 7
01032 Warton Archbishop Hutton's Primary School 26
01044 Carnforth Community Primary School [previously North Road] 30
01049 Great Wood Primary School 60
01050 Torrisholme Community Primary School 60
01051 Morecambe Bay Community Primary School 45
01052 West End Primary School 30
01053 Sandylands Community Primary School 60
01054 Lancaster Road Primary School 90
01058 Trumacar Nursery and Community Primary School 45
01060 Westgate Primary School 90
01061 Morecambe and Heysham Grosvenor Park Primary School 45
01062 Mossgate Primary School 30
02001 Carr Head Primary School 30
02002 The Breck Primary School [Poulton-le-Fylde] 35
02003 Carleton Green Community Primary School 45
02008 Fleetwood Chaucer Community Primary School 45
02013 Larkholme Primary School 45
02014 Fleetwood Charles Saer Community Primary School 45
02016 Shakespeare Primary School 60
02018 Fleetwood Flakefleet Primary School 60
02019 Preesall Carter's Charity (VC) Primary School 30
02027 Stalmine Primary School 15
02030 Stanah Primary School 60
02031 Thornton Cleveleys Northfold Community Primary School 30
02033 Thornton Cleveleys Baines Endowed [Vol. Cont] Prim School 30
02035 Thornton Primary School 20
02036 Thornton Cleveleys Royles Brook Primary School 45
02038 Nateby Primary School 12
02039 Forton Primary School 15
02049 Garstang Community Primary School 30
02051 Staining Church of England VC Primary School 35
02052 Thornton Cleveleys Manor Beach Primary School 45
04036 Freckleton Strike Lane Primary School 30
04039 Kirkham and Wesham Primary School 30
04043 Weeton Primary School 30
04044 Lytham St Anne's Mayfield Primary School 30
04045 Clifton Primary School 35
04046 Lytham St Anne's Ansdell Primary School 35
04052 Lytham Hall Park Primary School 60
06002 Brookfield Community Primary School 30
06604 Deepdale Community Primary School 90
06005 Eldon Primary School 30
06008 Brockholes Wood Community Primary School 30
06009 Frenchwood Community Primary School 45
06010 Preston Grange Primary School 30
06011 Preston Greenlands Community Primary School 30
06012 Holme Slack Community Primary School 30
06014 Ingol Community Primary School 30
06016 Moor Nook Community Primary School 30
06019 Ribbleton Avenue Infant School 70
06020 Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior School 70
06021 The Roebuck School 45
06031 Preston St Stephen's Church of England Primary School [VC] 45
06033 Ashton Primary School 30
06035 Preston Fishwick Primary School 17
06037 Lea Community Primary School 30
06040 Catforth Primary School 13
06041 Sherwood Primary School 60
06042 Cottam Primary School 30
06050 Goosnargh Whitechapel Primary School 15
06055 Kennington Primary School 35
06057 Fulwood and Cadley Primary School 45
06058 Harris Primary School 30
06060 Queen's Drive Primary School 60
06062 Pool House Community Primary School 25
06064 Brabin's Endowed School [VC] 15
06071 Longsands Community Primary School 30
07005 Higher Walton Church of England Primary School [VC] 17
07007 Bamber Bridge St Aidan's Church of England Primary School [VC] 24
07012 Walton-le-Dale Primary School 60
07013 Coupe Green Primary School 20
07015 Leyland St Andrew's Church of England Infant School [VC] 60
07016I Leyland Methodist Infant School 70
07016J Leyland Methodist Junior School 70
07019 Woodlea Junior School 65
07020 Lever House Primary School 45
07025 Seven Stars Primary School 30
07026 Moss Side Primary School 37
07030 Longton Primary School 30
07037 Little Hoole Primary School 30
07040 Penwortham Middleforth Church of England Primary School [VC] 30
07041 Howick Church of England Primary School [VC] 15
07043 Penwortham Primary School 30
07044 Whitefield Primary School 60
07046 Kingsfold Primary School 30
08001 Burscough Bridge St John's Church of England Prim School [VC] 30
08002 Burscough Bridge Methodist [Voluntary Controlled] Prim School 12
08004 Ormskirk Lathom Park Church of England Primary School [VC] 10
08006 Westhead Lathom St James' Church of England Primary School [VC] 15
08009 Ormskirk Asmall Primary School 20
08011 Ormskirk Church of England Primary School [VC] 60
08014 Ormskirk West End Primary School 30
08016 Burscough Village Primary School 30
08018 Bickerstaffe [Voluntary Controlled] Church of England School 15
08019 Aughton Town Green Primary School 50
08020 Aughton Christ Church C/E Vol Controlled Primary School 30
08021 Aughton St Michael's Church of England Primary School 30
08023 Holmeswood Methodist School 6
08024 Richard Durnings Endowed Primary School Bispham 15
08027 Scarisbrick St Mark's Church of England Primary School [VC] 15
08029 Pinfold Primary School, Scarisbrick 7
08033 Holland Moor Primary School, Skelmersdale 60
08034 Cobbs Brow School 40
08038 Skelmersdale Trinity C/E/Methodist Primary School [VC] 30
08040 Skelmersdale Crow Orchard Primary School 26
08043 Little Digmoor Primary School 20
08046 Hillside Community Primary School 30
08054 Delph Side Community Primary School 30
08063 Crawford Village Primary School 10
08064 Wrightington Mossy Lea Primary School 7
08076 Banks Methodist Primary School [VC] 10
08077 Banks St Stephen's Church of England Primary School [VC] 30
08078 Brookfield Park Primary School 30
08079 Woodland Community Primary School 50
09002 Duke Street Primary School 50
09003 Highfield Community Primary School 30
09010 Gillibrand Primary School 30
09015 Buckshaw Primary School 30
09022 Adlington Primary School 20
09024 Lancaster Lane Community Primary School 30
09025 Clayton-le-Woods Manor Road Primary School 36
09026 Clayton-le-Woods Westwood Primary School 30
09028 Anderton Primary School 30
09031 Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School 30
09039 Coppull Primary School 45
09045 Euxton Primrose Hill Primary School 60
09050 Balshaw Lane Community Primary School 60
09052 Eccleston Primary School 30
09053 Clayton Brook Primary School 30
09062 Abbey Village Primary School 15
09063 Withnell Fold Primary School 14
11005 Accrington Hyndburn Park Primary School 60
11013 Accrington St Peter's Church of England Primary School [VC] 30
11014 Accrington Spring Hill Primary School 60
11015 Accrington Woodnook Primary School 40
11018 Oswaldtwistle Hippings Methodist Primary School [VC] 30
11020 Oswaldtwistle St Andrew's Church of England Primary School [VC] 45
11025 Oswaldtwistle Moor End Community Primary School 30
11029 Clayton-le-Moors Mount Pleasant Primary School 60
11042 Great Harwood Primary School 45
11045 Rishton Methodist School [VC] 30
11055 Clitheroe Brookside Primary School 30
11056 Clitheroe Edisford Primary School 30
11057 Clitheroe Pendle Primary School 50
11061 Gisburn Primary School 20
11064 Read St John's Church of England Primary School [VC] 30
11065 Sabden Primary School 15
11070 Barrow United Reformed Church Primary School [VC] 30
11113 Ribblesdale School 30
12001 Briercliffe Primary School 60
12002 Worsthorne Primary School 30
12005 Padiham Green Church of England Primary School [VC] 30
12006 Padiham Primary School 45
12011 Hapton Church of England/Methodist Primary School [VC] 18
12012 Barden Primary School 60
12013 Burnley Brunshaw Primary School 60
12020 Burnley Heasandford Primary School 90
12022 Burnley Ightenhill Primary School 60
12023 Burnley Lowerhouse Junior School 60
12025 Rosegrove Infant School 60
12035 Burnley Stoneyholme Community Primary School 60
12037 Burnley Whittlefield Primary School 30
12041 Rosewood Primary School 60
12042 Cherry Fold Community Primary School 60
12043 Burnley Springfield Community Primary School 30
13001 Bradley Primary School 60
13007 Lomeshaye Junior School 90
13010 Nelson Walverden Primary School 60
13011 Nelson Whitefield Infant School and Nursery Unit 90
13012 Marsden Community Primary School 60
13016 Barrowford School 60
13023 Roughlee Church of England Primary School [VC] 7
13024 Higham St John's Church of England Primary School [VC] 20
13030 Colne Park Primary School 60
13031 Colne Primet Primary School 30
13033 West Street Community Primary School 30
13034 Trawden Forest Primary School 30
13036 Reedley Primary School 60
13040 Barnoldswick Church of England VC Primary School 60
13041 Barnoldswick Coates Lane Primary School 30
13042 Barnoldswick Gisburn Road Community Primary School 30
13046 Kelbrook Primary School 15
13048 Salterforth Primary School 15
13049 Earby Springfield Primary School 30
14001 Bacup Britannia Community Primary School 30
14002 Bacup Thorn Primary School 45
14003 Northern Primary School 30
14005 Sharneyford Primary School 10
14008 Bacup St Saviours Community Primary School 15
14011 Bacup Holy Trinity Stacksteads C/E Primary School [VC] 35
14015 St Paul's Church of England Primary School, Rawtenstall [VC] 40
14018 St Mary's Rawtenstall Church of England Primary School [VC] 30
14019 Crawshawbooth Primary School 45
14022 Waterfoot Primary School 45
14024 Newchurch St Nicholas Church of England Primary School [VC] 30
14026 Balladen Community Primary School 30
14027 Water Primary School 20
14030 Broadway Primary School 30
14031 Helmshore Primary School 60
14038 Edenfield Church of England Primary School [VC] 25
14039 Stubbins Primary School, Ramsbottom 30
14040 St Bartholomew's Church of England Primary School [VC] 25
14042 Whitworth Tonacliffe Primary School 45