Market Position Statement

Lancashire County Council's Market Position Statement (MPS) provides information about the adult social care market in Lancashire so that current and prospective providers understand the local context, what is likely to change, and where opportunities might arise in the future.

The statement sets out the key pressures for adult social care and our vision for the future. The MPS is for both existing and potential providers with the purpose of helping them shape their business plans to support the council's vision for adult social care in the future.

The MPS will be updated on an ongoing basis as new information, policies, strategies or other relevant information becomes available.

We firmly believe that a co-production approach is the best way to engage with stakeholders to develop new and innovative solutions, improve pathways and outcomes for citizens, and in particular to address the financial pressures on a system wide basis. 

For further information please contact, Mike Alsop, Senior Policy, Information and Commissioning Senior Manager (Age Well)