A guide to the fees for planning applications

A guide to the fees for planning applications in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (fees for applications, deemed applications, requests and site visits) (England) regulations 2012.

These fees apply from December 2023 onwards. The fee should be paid at the time the application is submitted. If you are unsure of the fee applicable, please contact your local planning authority.

All outline applications
£578 for each 01 hectare for sites up to 1 hectare                      Not more than 1 hectare  £578 per 0.1 hectare  
£624 per 0.1 hectare for sites between 1 hectare and 2.5 hectares Not more than 2.5 hectares £624 per 0.1 hectare
£15,433 plus £186 for each 0.1 in excess of 2.5 hectares to a maximum of £202,500 More than 2.5 hectares £15,433 plus £138 per 0.1 hectare


Erection of buildings (not dwellings, agricultural, glasshouses, plant nor machinery):
Gross floor space to be created by the development No increase in gross floor space or no more than 40m2 £293
Gross floor space to be created by the development More than 40m2 but no more than 1000m2  £578 for each 75m2 or part thereof
Gross floor space to be created by the development Between 1000m2 but no more than 3,750m2 £624 for each 75m2 or part thereof
Gross floor space to be created by the development More than 3,750m2 £30,680 plus £186 for each additional 75m2 in excess of 3,750m2 to a maximum of £405,000
The erection of buildings (on land used for agriculture for agricultural purposes):
Gross floor space to be created by the development Not more than 465m2 £120
Gross floor space to be created by the development More than 465m2 but not more than 540m2 £578
Gross floor space to be created by the development More than 540m2 but not more than 4,215m2 £624 for first 1000m2 + £624 for each additional 75 m2 in excess of 1000 m2
Gross floor space to be created by the development More than 4,215m2 £30,860 plus £186 for each additional 75m2 (or part thereof) in excess of 4,215m2 up to a maximum of £405,000
Erection of glasshouses (on land used for the purposes of agriculture):
Gross floor space to be created by the development Not more than 465m2 £120
Gross floor space to be created by the development More than 465m2 but no more than 1000m2 £3225
Gross floor space to be created by the development 1000m2  or more                           £3483 11332
Erection/alterations/replacement of plant and machinery
Site area Not more than 1 hectare £578 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)


More than 1 hectare but not more than 5 hectares £624 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area More than 5 hectares £30,860 plus additional £186 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 5 hectares to a maximum of £405,000


Applications other than building works
Car parks, service roads or other accesses For existing uses £293
Waste (Use of land for disposal of refuse or waste materials or deposit of material remaining after extraction or storage of minerals)
Site area Not more than 15 hectares £316 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area More than 15 hectares £47,161 plus £186 for each additional  0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 15 hectares up to a maximum of £105,300


Operations connected with exploratory drilling for oil or natural gas
Site area Not more than 7.5 hectares £686 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area More than 7.5 hectares £51,395 plus additional £204 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 7.5 hectares up to a maximum of £405,000


Operations (other than exploratory drilling) for the winning and working of oil or natural gas
Site area Not more than 15 hectares £347 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area More than 15 hectares £52,002 plus additional £204 for each 0.1 in excess of 15 hectare up to a maximum of £105,300


Other operations (winning and working of minerals) excluding oil and natural gas
Site area Not more than 15 hectares £316 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area More than 15 hectares £47,161 plus additional £186 for each 0.1 hectare in excess of 15 hectares up to a maximum of £105,300


Other operations (not coming within any of the above categories)
Any site area £293 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) up to a maximum of £2,535


Lawful development certificate
LDC – existing use – in breach of a planning condition Same as full
LDC – existing use LDC – lawful not to comply with a particular condition £293
LDC – proposed use Half the normal planning fee


Prior approval
Agricultural and forestry buildings and operations or demolition of buildings £120
Telecommunications code systems operators £578


Reserved matters
Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval Full fee due or if full fee already paid then £578 due


Approval/variation/discharge of condition
Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission £293
Request for confirmation that one or more planning conditions have been complied with £145 per request


Change of use of a building to use as one or more separate dwelling houses, or other cases
Number of dwellings Not more than 10 dwellings £578 for each dwelling
  Between 10 and 50 dwellings £624 for each dwelling


More than 50 dwelling houses £30.860 plus £186 for each additional dwelling in excess of 50 – maximum fee of £405,000
Other changes of use of a building or land




Application for Non-material Amendment following a grant of planning permission
Applications in respect of householder developments £43
Applications in respect of other developments £293

Concessions - exemptions from payment

  • For alterations, extensions, etc. to a dwelling house for the benefit of a registered disabled person
  • An application solely for the carrying out of the operations for the purpose of providing a means of access for disabled persons to or within a building or premises to which members of the public are admitted
  • Listed building consent
  • Conservation area consent
  • Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area Hedgerow Removal
  • If the proposal is the first revision of an application for development of the same character or description on the same site by the same applicant within 12 months of making the earlier application if withdrawn or the date of the decision if granted or refused (including signs only if withdrawn or refused) and NOT a duplicate application make by the same applicant within 28 days
  • If the proposal relates to works that require planning permission only by virtue of an Article 4 Direction of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, i.e. where the application is required only because of a direction or planning condition removing permitted development rights.
  • If the application is for a lawful development certificate, for existing use, where an application for planning permission for the same development would be exempt from the need to pay a planning fee under any other planning fee regulation
  • If the application is for consent to display an advertisement following either a withdrawal of an earlier application (before notice of decision was issued) or where the application is made following refusal of consent for display of an advertisement, and where the application is made by or on behalf of the same person
  • If the application is for alternative proposals for the same site by the same applicant, in order to benefit from the permitted development right in Schedule 2 Part 3 Class E of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995

Concessions - reductions to payments

  • If the application is being made on behalf of a non-profit making sports club or works for playing fields not involving buildings then the fee is £578
  • If the application is being made on behalf of a parish or community council then the fee is 50%
  • If the application is an alternative proposal being submitted on the same site by the same applicant on the same day, where this application is of lesser cost then the fee is 50%
  • In respect of reserved matters you must pay a sum equal to or greater than what would be payable at current rates for approval of all the reserved matters.  If this amount has already been paid then the fee is £578
  • If the application is for a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use or development, then the fee is 50%
  • If two or more applications are submitted for different proposals on the same day and relating to the same site then you must pay the fee for the highest fee plus half sum of the others
  • Where an application relates to development which is within more than one fee category, the correct fee is simply the highest of the fees payable (if not including residential)
  • Where an application consists of the erection of dwellings and the erection of other types of buildings (categories 1-4) the fees are added together and maximum can be exceeded
  • Where an application crosses one or more local or district planning authorities then the fee is 150% and goes to the authority that contains the larger part of the application site or a sum of the fees it if is less than 150%

County council fees

Stopping up or diverting a footpath
under S.257 or S.261 of the Town
and Country Planning Act 1990
£2352 plus advertising costs in local