Biological Heritage Sites

Biological Heritage Sites are 'local wildlife sites' in Lancashire, they are identified using a set of published guidelines. Amendments to the list of sites are made by the Biological Heritage Sites review panel which comprises ecologists from the County Council, Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside and Natural England.

Biological Heritage Sites and planning applications

If you are proposing to change your land use in a way that would normally require making a planning application and this is likely to affect a Biological Heritage Sites, then having Biological Heritage Sites information to hand should help you to draw up your plans.

Biological Heritage Sites and farming

Ordinary agricultural operations are unaffected by the identification of a Biological Heritage Sites. 

Grant aid and specialist advice are available, from a variety of sources, to help you maintain and possibly enhance the nature conservation interest of your land. The presence of a Biological Heritage Sites is often a positive factor when applying for agri-environment, and other, grant schemes.

Identification of a Biological Heritage Sites does not result in the creation of any new rights of access and any existing rights of way are unaffected. Similarly, a site may already have a designation, for instance a Tree Preservation Order or Limestone Pavement Order or be within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Any legal implications of such designations remain unaffected.

Further information

Information on Biological Heritage Sites is managed by, and is available from the Lancashire Environment Record Network (LERN). For more information about Biological Heritage Sites visit the LERN website or contact the BHS team via