Where development would be subject to the general biodiversity gain condition, the application must be accompanied by minimum information set out in Article 7 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, summarised in Paragraph 010 Reference ID: 74-010-20240214 of the following guidelines:
Biodiversity net gain (
To enable compliance with government BNG guidelines, Lancashire County Council also requests that the following be submitted with any application, where they are relevant:
- An outline strategy for meeting the BNG objective.
- Details of any proposed significant onsite enhancements, including supporting rationale for classifying onsite habitat as significant or not significant.
- Draft Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan for significant onsite biodiversity enhancements.
- Where relevant, draft heads of terms/agreement in principle for off-site habitat enhancement and 30 years maintenance and monitoring.
- Where relevant, a robust statement of alternatives explored to avoid the loss of irreplaceable habitats and why they were not feasible.
- Where relevant, supporting evidence for water course condition assessments, including:
- MoRPh survey notes
- MoRPh5 survey score output
- GIS outputs
- Plans showing:
- River elevation
- Upstream and downstream reach
- River length
- Valley length
- Braiding index
- Anabranching index
- Where possible, GIS shape files for the application area and any associated off-site BNG land.
Biodiversity net gain requirements do not replace or override any existing requirements for validation: