Expanding the age range at Ribblesdale High School, to become an all-through school, providing additional primary places for Clitheroe
Following a consultation, members of Lancashire County Council's cabinet have agreed that Ribblesdale High School expand its current age range from 11 to 16, to a new age range of four to 16.
This means the school will provide both primary and secondary school provision, becoming an all-through school, with effect from September 2023.
The primary places will be provided in new accommodation at a neighbouring site located at Higher Standen Farm, with the first intake of 30 reception pupils.
The school, over time, is set to provide 210 primary school places which are needed to accommodate rising pupil numbers.
All the views of people who took part in the consultation were carefully considered before making this decision.
The council is responsible for making sure there are enough high-quality school places available to meet demand across the county, and the expansion of Ribblesdale High School will help us to do this.
Expected developments in Clitheroe, plus an increase in the birth rate, means there will be an increase in demand for places in the area.
The Higher Standen Farm housing development is set to provide 1,040 of around 1400 houses planned for the Clitheroe area over the next few years.
A site for the provision of additional primary school places has been secured in a Section 106 agreement between the county council, Ribble Valley Borough Council and the landowner, Higher Standen Trustees.
The building for the new school will be provided by the county council and be partly funded through contributions from the housing development contributions.