New primary school for Preston - Cottam Hall
Lancashire County Council has a statutory duty to ensure that there is a Lancashire place for every child that requires one. As part of this approach provision of a new school is being considered in Preston.
The location of the new school is proposed on the Cottam Hall Development, Preston, on a site secured from Homes England. View the Cottam Hall site plan (PDF 106.KB) document for details.
The school will provide 210 places to accommodate rising pupil numbers as a result of significant housing development in the area, as identified within the Central Lancashire Local Plan Core Strategy.
The new school will be a 'free school' and will adhere to Department for Education (DfE) guidance in its delivery 'Academy and free school presumption: guidelines' (on GOV.UK).
An informal consultation was undertaken between 12 December 2022 to 22 January 2023. The outcome of the consultation remains under review and is being considered in conjunction with the latest pupil projections and a revised timeline is to be determined.
The building for the new school would be provided by the county council, partly funded through developer contributions.
Useful documents
Lancashire County Council Cabinet report 6 October 2022 - School Place Planning Delivery Programme 2023-25