Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service

Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service (LCYJS) is a multi-agency service that is co-ordinated by the local authority and overseen by the Youth Justice Board. This is a statutory partnership, and the team is made up of staff from social care and education, the police, the National Probation Service and local health services.

The service works with children aged 8-18 who have either committed an offence or identified as being at risk of doing so. The service has embedded a child-first, restorative and trauma informed ethos into its work and strives to reduce the impact on victims and communities of crime by supporting children to maintain positive, healthy, pro-social futures.

The service has a key focus on the prevention and diversion of children out of criminal justice processes, offering the right help at the right time. For those children who do receive a formal criminal justice outcome, we work with partners to support children to try and repair what has happened and enable them to access support to exit the criminal justice system at the earliest possible point.

Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service can be contacted on 01772 532047

Volunteering with  Lancashire CYJS

Volunteers play an essential role in supporting the delivery of services by Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service (CYJS). Volunteers work alongside CYJS staff to help children aged 10 – 18 years, to make a difference to their lives, support them towards living a safe and crime-free life and make a positive contribution to society.  Volunteers create a positive link between the community and the children who access CYJS services.

In order to volunteer you  must:

  • Be over 18 years of age.
  • Complete a full DBS clearance (for more details about our policy on criminal convictions please contact us).
  • Provide a reference.
  • Be able to commit to at least 2/3 hours of time per fortnight.
  • Complete a programme of training at the outset and at regular intervals during your time as a volunteer.

We typically recruit volunteers on an annual basis. For further information please contact Julie Steele (Child Youth Justice Worker and Volunteer Lead) via email on

Application form via the Lancashire Volunteer Partnership