Council service areas

Officers and how they are grouped into service areas (constitution part 4).

Combined County Authority

Information about the ongoing discussions with other councils in Lancashire to create a combined authority for Lancashire.

Lancashire 2050 - A strategic framework for Lancashire

We are working in partnership to create a long-term strategic plan for the future of Lancashire.

Management team structure

Lancashire County Council Senior Leadership Team structure (PDF 493 KB)


We work with partners to deliver some of our services and objectives effectively.

Political management structure

The county council's political management structure includes the full council, the cabinet, committees and working groups (constitution part 5).

A strategic vision for Preston's railway station quarter

We're working in partnership on an ambitious draft Preston Station Quarter Regeneration Framework, which will guide the regeneration and redevelopment of the area around the railway station in the city centre.

Traded Services

Lancashire County Council's traded services.

UK Community Renewal Fund

Supporting the delivery of the UK Community Renewal Fund in the Lancashire County area.

Our New Deal for a Greater Lancashire

Council leaders have made a historic pledge to work together to deliver a bold vision for a County Deal to benefit the people of Lancashire.