Lancashire warm spaces grant scheme
The third round of the grant scheme has now closed.
Decisions on submitted applications will be made within a 14-day period from the closing date.
This small grant programme has been set up for local organisations and groups within the voluntary, community, and faith sector, as well as for parish and town councils, to support the creation and improvement of warm and welcoming spaces for residents amidst the rising cost of living, focussing on those most in need.
Warm spaces are held in a range of venues across Lancashire and offer a warm, safe, and welcoming space for people to spend time in. Every warm space is different. Many provide basic refreshments such as tea and coffee, some host activities like keeping fit and crafting, while others provide computers, additional services and signposting.
Although there is no requirement to provide all of these, as a minimum we expect a warm space to be:
- heated
- free to use - and for it to be clear to people that they can use the space for free
- inclusive and non-judgmental - where everyone can expect a warm welcome from staff and volunteers
- part of a series of regular openings - rather than occasional short-term events
Who can and cannot apply
Applicants to the scheme need to:
- Be applying for funding for a project taking place within the Lancashire County Council area.
- Be a building freeholder (owner) or have obtained all the relevant permissions from the freeholder to run this warm space.
- Agree to abide by the Lancashire Warm Spaces Charter
- Agree to register to our online directory, and therefore hold and fully comply with up to date:
- Public Liability Insurance
- safeguarding policies and procedures
- appropriate risk assessments
We can accept applications from:
- voluntary or community organisations
- registered charities
- constituted groups or clubs
- community interest companies (CIC)
- town and Parish Councils
- faith organisations
We cannot accept applications from:
- individuals
- organisations that are aimed at generating profits.
- schools
Applying more than once
Lead applicants can only submit one application; however, a lead applicant can be a partner in separate applications.
Application process
Applicants can apply for up to £1000 to support projects that provide a warm space, focusing on supporting those most in need.
If your warm space is open:
- 2 days a week or less: you can apply for up to £500
- 3-5 days a week: you can apply for up to £750
- 6-7 days a week: you can apply for up to £1000
All awarded funds will need to be spent by the end of March 2025. However, funding may be used to cover eligible costs already incurred (but for which previous grant funding has not already been attributed for) by the project between November 2024 – March 2025.
We reserve the right to change the future focus and conditions of this grant scheme based on feedback and ongoing review.
What you can and cannot spend the money on
You can spend the funding on:
- equipment
- energy bills (gas and electric) or meter top ups
- premises costs
- volunteer and organisational training
- volunteer expenses
- expenses for light refreshments
- projects and activities that build resilience
- organisational staff costs
You cannot spend the funding on:
- statutory activities
- political or religious activities
- One-off events (a warm space project must have been open regularly across the winter period, November 2024 – March 2025).
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding this grant scheme, or require any support, please contact us: