
We are responsible for delivering many services including schools, libraries, roads, disposing of waste, public health and supporting vulnerable children and older people.

To deliver these services the council has an annual budget funded from council tax payments, grants and income.

Financial year 2024/25

The county council agreed the budget for 2024/25 on Friday 23 February 2024.

  • Net budget £1,112.610 million in 2024/25
  • Council tax increase (for the county council's element of council tax) of 4.99%, comprising 2.99% general increase and a further 2% for the Adult Social Care Precept

As well as delivering our day to day services, we are improving the county's infrastructure and driving economic growth. To do this we have agreed a capital delivery programme for 2024/25 of £198.524 million funded from borrowing, central government capital grants, and contributions / other funding sources.

For more detail have a look at the 2024/25 budget documents.

The money we raise for capital expenditure through borrowing and investing must be affordable and have regard to the Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities.

Any council investments must comply with our treasury management strategy (Item 3 Appendix A).