Being accountable
Our constitution details how we operate and make decisions, and our procedures to make sure decision making is efficient, transparent and accountable.
Local Code of Corporate Governance
The Local Code set out the systems, processes and values by which the Council operates and by which we engage with, and are held accountable to, our communities and stakeholders.
Annual governance statement
Highlights of our governance framework key elements and areas we are improving (published as part of our annual statement of accounts).
Codes of conduct
The codes and protocols to guarantee the standards of behaviour expected from our councillors and employees.
Governance Committees
These committees ensure that financial reporting processes are robust and that decision makers, councillors and officers are accountable for their decisions and actions.
Performance monitoring and reviewing
A cabinet committee and our management team monitor and review performance assisted by an officers' working group. They examine specific areas in detail where necessary.
Statutory officers
The monitoring officer and the chief finance officer make sure that the decisions and actions of the council are lawful and in accordance with the council's budget.
Financial administration arrangements
Financial regulations, scheme for financing schools and financial reports.
Whistleblowing and counter fraud arrangements
Whistleblowing, counter fraud, bribery and corruption and National Fraud Initiative.