You said, we did


You said 

There is little information available specifically for Dads in Lancashire.

(Dadsnet meeting with Local Offer and LPCF 2023)

We did

We used the Local Offer website and social media pages to signpost Dads to "DadPad" for advice and support and to Dad peer chat drop ins.

You said 

We sometimes use all our Break Time hours and we weren't aware that my child may also be eligible for HAF.

(Twinkle House engagement event Jan 2024)

We did

We updated the HAF webpages and sent out social media messages and information to schools to let families know that 15% of HAF places are set aside for vulnerabilities other than free school meals, including children with SEND.

You said 

The people who care for our children don't know enough about their individual needs and/or health conditions and don't always have access to the resources needed to provide support.

(Facebook survey 2023)

We did

We asked families what they wished practitioners and staff in education settings knew more about in order to coproduce a SEN support document. The published guide is designed to provide help for all practitioners and providers to identify how conditions can affect children and young people and how to access support with or without a diagnosis. SEN support guide for professionals.

You said 

Break Time activities are not always suitable for my child, what other leisure opportunities are available to us?

(Break Time survey 2024)

We did

We now offer Max Card to our Break Time members which gives them freedom to choose days out with their families at a discounted price, or with benefits such as a free carers pass.

You said 

The Local Offer Facebook page is useful but difficult to find things only in my area.

(Facebook comments and anecdotes 2024)

We did

The staff who manage the Local Offer Facebook page received social media training and now use hashtags to separate out information at district level to make it easier for Facebook users to search for things in their area.


You said 

Not enough education staff know about the SENDIAS service or how to signpost to it.

(Practitioners, SEND Partnership meeting)

We did

We published an information article about Lancashire SENDIAS in the Autumn 2023 education bulletin.

You said

I missed the 2023 Break Time registration window as I didn’t know it was open.


We did

For 2024/25 registrations we'll send “Save the date” information well in advance of the opening date. We'll continue to advertise up to and throughout the registration window. The ongoing advertising will span almost 4 months giving families plenty of opportunity to prepare for registration.

You said

There are not enough Break Time providers in Lancashire.

(Engagement events, Facebook comments)

We did

The Break Time team sought out new providers via social media messages and virtual provider events. We also asked parent carers to tell their preferred providers about the Break Time service. As a result, we have two new Break Time providers in 2023.

You said

Parent carers and children and young people want to have a say in shaping SEND services.

(Engagement events)

We did

In August 2023 we launched two new SEN surveys, one for parent carers and one for children and young people. We'll publish the feedback on the Local Offer.

Older feedback and comments

You can view comments received between 2021 to 2022.