Latest updates and news from the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer.

SEND Newsletter Spring 2025 now available

Download the latest SEND news for Lancashire families. If you would like to receive a free copy of the SEND Newsletter by post or email 4 times a year, sign up to the FIND database.

Complete the new, improved SEND survey for parent carers

Please take some time, if you can, to fill in the updated survey for parent carers. We designed these surveys with parent carers and members of the SEND Partnership in Lancashire to help us listen to children, young people and their families with different kinds of SEND.

SEND newsletter review - read previous newsletters and tell us what you think of our SEND Newsletter

We value your feedback! Help us make the SEND newsletter even better by taking a few minutes to complete our anonymous survey.

SEND Newsletter Winter 2024 now available

Download the latest SEND news for Lancashire families. If you would like to receive a free copy of the SEND Newsletter by post or email 4 times a year, sign up to the FIND database.

Preparing for adulthood guide

Support is available to help young people with SEND prepare for adulthood, from the earliest years up to age 25.

SEND inspection

The Lancashire SEND Partnership underwent an Area SEND Inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in November and December 2024. Children, parents / carers, and practitioners were asked to complete a survey to let the inspectors know about the help and support that children and young people with SEND get in Lancashire.

Referral form for the SENDIAS service now available

A new way to make a referral to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice, and Support Service (SENDIAS).

You said, we did 2024 updates

A summary of feedback and comments we have received and what we have done in response.

Max Card has arrived for Break Time members

If you're a Break Time member, you can get a free Max Card giving you reduced or free entry to many UK attractions.

HAF vouchers for the Christmas holiday will be sent on 2 December 2024

The holiday activities and food (HAF) programme provides free meals and activities for eligible children during the school holidays.

Supported internships – applications for 2025 now open

Find out more about supported internships and how to apply for programmes starting in 2025.

SEND Partnership workforce development

If you work with children and young people with SEND, please take a look at our new SEND Partnership workforce development page.

SEND Newsletter Autumn 2024 now available

Download the latest SEND news for Lancashire families. If you would like to receive a free copy of the SEND Newsletter by post or email 4 times a year, please sign up to the FIND database.

Supported internships information updated

Find out more about supported internship programmes and watch a new video featuring interns talking about their experiences of supported internships.

SEND Newsletter Summer 2024 now available

Download the latest SEND news for Lancashire families. If you would like to receive a free copy of the SEND Newsletter by post or email 4 times a year, please sign up to the FIND database.

Break Time registration has reopened

We are reopening registration for Break Time for families who have not yet registered for the current year (2024/25). If you are already registered for Break Time for 2024/25 you do not need to do anything, please continue to book as normal – we will let you know when to re-register. The closing date for registrations is 24 May 2024.

Updated annual review forms now available for education, health and social care practitioners

EHC plan annual review guidance for professionals.

Spring 2024 holiday activities and food (HAF) activities now available to book

The HAF programme provides free meals and activities for eligible children during the school holidays.

SEND Newsletter Spring 2024 now available

Inside this issue: Awareness Days, World Autism Acceptance Week, Break Time, Holiday Activity and Food Programme, Sibs, POWAR Young Carers SEND Support survey, Young People’s updates, Round pegs, or square holes?, Lancashire Libraries, Conductive Education at Rainbow Hub, SENDIAS Annual Health Checks, Supported Internships, DanceSyndrome and Parent Carer support groups.

Summer holiday Break Time survey feedback now published

In Summer 2023 we asked for your feedback on Break Time services during the six-week summer holiday period. Find out what families said and what we'll do to improve.

SEND support survey feedback 2023 now published

You can now view our analysis of the responses to the SEND support surveys in July and August 2023, including what we're doing in response to your feedback.

New SEN support guide for professionals

Help for all practitioners and providers to identify how conditions can affect children and young people and how to access support with or without a diagnosis.

New school anxiety and school avoidance information page for parents

Advice if your child is anxious about school, and is finding it difficult to go to school. Also known as Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).

Early years ASD transition toolkit (PDF 664 KB) now available

This document aims to support settings (childcare providers like nurseries and childminders) to feel confident and equipped when planning the transition to Reception Year for pre-school children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or social communication needs.

Registration for Break Time short break activities 2024/25 is now open

The closing date for registrations is 21 December 2023.

The Big Ambition – Have your say!

The national Big Ambition survey for children and young people is open until 15 December 2023. Launched by the Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, The Big Ambition is a survey of children and young people across England.

Lancashire Family Hubs Network

We're launching our Family Hubs Network, where support for families will soon be available both in person and online across the county.

Upcoming SEND Joint Area Inspection in Lancashire

We are preparing for an imminent inspection of the local area partnership for SEND by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Fresh proposals to improve SEND provision in Lancashire to go before cabinet

Councillors are set to approve numerous actions aimed at further bolstering special needs provision across Lancashire over the coming years.

Break Time to be managed by a new team from September 2023

Break Time will be part of the Children and Family Wellbeing (CFW) service at Lancashire County Council. It used to be managed by the Children with Disabilities (CwD) Service.

You do not need to do anything. You can find out more about the change on the Break Time contact us page.

SEND survey

Surveys for children and young people and their parent carers in Lancashire where the child or young person has special educational needs (SEN) support needs. Please take some time, if you can, to fill in the relevant survey.

Holiday activities and food programme (HAF) bookings live for summer 2023

The HAF programme provides free meals and activities for eligible children during the school holidays.

New dads can download DadPad for advice and support (Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust website)

The DadPad app is a useful resource before baby arrives and after baby is born and includes details of nearby support groups and services.

SEND Newsletter Summer 2023

Previously the FIND newsletter, from this issue, as suggested by readers, “FIND” becomes “SEND”. You can download the latest issue now and sign up to the FIND database to receive a free copy of the SEND Newsletter by post or email 4 times a year.

Lancashire SEND Partnership Working Together Strategy 2023-2025

We have now published our Working Together Strategy 2023-2025 and we want to know what children, young people, their parent carers and practitioners think about this strategy.

Break Time registration has reopened

We are reopening registration for Break Time for families who have not yet registered for the current year (2023/24). If you are already registered for Break Time for 2023/24 you do not need to do anything, please continue to book as normal – we will let you know when to re-register

Education, health and care (EHC) plan annual review survey results February 2022 to January 2023

The annual review survey is a short survey of 5 questions to be completed at the end of the annual review meeting. It collects children, young peoples and parent/carers views of the support that is delivered through educational heath and care (EHC) plans.

SEND and alternative provision improvement plan - GOV.UK

The Government has published its long-awaited SEND and alternative provision improvement plan on GOV.UK.

March North West Regional SEND newsletter now available on their website

The North West SEND Network September newsletter is now available for information about events and consultations.

DVSA Update: on use of seatbelt buckle guards

Yesterday, we shared news online of a regulation on the use of Seatbelt Buckle Guards, and how this was illegal. This information was published by the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and we subsequently had to make urgent decisions around transporting children and young people to school who require a Seatbelt Buckle Guard.

The DVSA has announced today that they will not be enforcing this regulation for the time being and that transport can continue from Monday 20 February. This means that children and young people who require a Seatbelt Buckle Guard can travel to school as normal.

Education, health and care (EHC) plan annual review survey

If your child or young person has recently had an annual review of their education, health and care plan (EHCP), please remember to complete the follow-up survey.

Cabinet to consider latest proposals aimed at improving SEND provision in Lancashire

On Thursday 19 January, Lancashire County Council's cabinet will be asked to approve a series of recommendations as part of a wider ongoing strategy to boost provision across the county.

Break Time short break activities registrations open for 2023/24

Break Time short break activities provide a range of activities and groups for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities who meet the criteria to attend and who do not receive short breaks following a social care assessment of need.

NHS England: Information on industrial action

Information about nursing and ambulance staff striking in January 2023 and what this means for NHS services.

FIND newsletter Winter 2022

The SEND newsletter for Lancashire families.

Information events for families, parents and carers - first date for 2023 added

Find out more about SEND information events for parents and carers during school hours.

Bookings for holiday activities and food (HAF) winter programme start to open

This winter families eligible for free school meals can get a free place at an exciting programme of fun activities for the Christmas holidays. Some children may also be eligible for a place using discretionary criteria.

Cabinet to consider fresh proposal to boost SEND provision in Lancashire

On Thursday 1 December, councillors will consider plans to create additional special school places at West Lancashire Community High School.

Break Time survey for parent carers and Break Time members

We'd like to know how you feel about the Break Time short breaks activity service.

Ground-breaking Kentown Children’s Palliative Care Programme launched in Lancashire and South Cumbria

Kentown Children’s Palliative Care Programme will help join up the services that support children with life-limiting conditions across Lancashire and South Cumbria. Visit the Kentown Support website to find out more.

Lancashire's cost of living information hub now launched

The cost of living information hub contains lots of information, including benefits and financial help, help with energy and support in the district where you live.

Break Time registrations for this year will close on 31 October 2022

Break Time short break activities provide a range of activities and groups for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities who meet the criteria to attend and who do not receive short breaks following a social care assessment of need.

Apply online for SEND school travel assistance

You can now apply for SEND travel assistance using a new online form.

19 September SEND event postponed due to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

Following the announcement of the date of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, the original SEND drop in event at The Exchange, Burnley scheduled for Monday 19 September has been postponed until Friday 23 September 2022.

National Autistic Society advice for talking to children and young people about the death of Queen Elizabeth II

Advice for talking to autistic children and young people about change and bereavement.

FIND newsletter Autumn 2022

The SEND newsletter for Lancashire families

SEND Partnership information events for parents and carers - new dates added

SEND information events for parents and carers during school hours starting September 2022.

Cabinet set to take further action to boost SEND provision in Lancashire

At its meeting on Thursday 8 September, cabinet will be asked to give final approval to expand Thornton Cleveleys Red Marsh School and Lostock Hall Moor Hey School.

New Break Time Plus short break service starts 1 September 2022

Activities for children and young people who receive short breaks through a child's plan.

Latest North West Regional SEND newsletter now available on their website

The North West SEND Network September newsletter is now available for information about events and consultations.

Down's Syndrome Act 2022 call for evidence consultation on GOV.UK

The government wants your views on what should go into the Down Syndrome Act statutory guidance. This consultation closes at on 8 November 2022.

Information events for families, parents and carers

Lancashire SEND Partnership will be holding drop-in information events in each of the 12 Lancashire districts starting 1 August 2022.

How to keep cool this summer

Enjoy the sunshine and bright blue skies, but make sure you take care in the sun.

Sensory processing

Watch this recorded education session if you would like to understand more about your child's sensory needs and how to meet them.

Lancashire SEND Partnership response to the government green paper - SEND Review: Right support, right place, right time

A summary of the Lancashire SEND Partnership discussions about the proposals and how to respond to the consultation questions.

Lancashire's Summer holiday activity and food programme launched

The HAF programme will run for four weeks over the school holidays, and will provide activities and a meal for families eligible for free school meals.

SEN provision boost in Lancashire as cabinet consider latest proposals

Councillors are set to agree a number of actions aimed at improving support for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Lancashire, part of a wider strategy to bolster provision across the county.

FIND Newsletter Summer 2022

The SEND newsletter for Lancashire families

SEND review: right support, right place, right time - consultation on GOV.UK

The deadline to respond to the Government's SEND review has been extended and will now close at 11.45pm on 22 July 2022.

Break Time registration has reopened

Due to a number of parents and carers getting in touch, we have made the decision to reopen the Break Time registration to allow those families who have missed the initial registration campaigns this year to register.

Ambitious about Autism launches new online platform for autistic young people - Ambitious Youth Network

This network is a space for autistic young people, between the ages of 16-25 to meet other autistic young people, take on new paid opportunities, and join group panels. The network is a fun and friendly space for autistic young people to be themselves.

Break Time activities now available to book for registered children and young people

Break Time short break activities provide a range of activities and groups for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities who meet the criteria to attend and who do not receive short breaks following a social care assessment of need.

New SEND Units open in Lancashire for primary school children with special educational needs and disabilities

A SEND Unit is a supportive environment within a mainstream school for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who need additional specialist support at times during the week.

Lancashire & Cumbria's brand new autism support hub is now available

Offering free support to families and autistic adults

Millions being invested in children’s mental health in Lancashire and South Cumbria

The announcement comes ahead of Children’s Mental Health Week (7-13 February 2022) when landmarks across the region will be lit green to demonstrate the importance of children and young people’s mental health.

North West SEND Regional Network Newsletter January 2022

The January edition of the SEND regional newsletter is out now, you can read it on the NW SEND network website.

Lancashire Education Strategy 2022-2025

New strategy to help all Lancashire children reach their full potential.

FIND Newsletter Winter 2021

If you would like to receive a free copy of FIND by post or email 4 times a year, please sign up to the FIND database.

North West SEND Regional Network Newsletter November 2021

The November edition of the SEND regional newsletter is out now, you can read it on the NW SEND network website.

Millions being invested to help children in Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health within Lancashire and South Cumbria THRIVE

Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Redesign.

The Keyworking pilot has arrived in Lancashire and South Cumbria

Lancashire and South Cumbria is one of 13 pilot sites in the country where key workers for children and young people with autism or a learning disability and high support needs are being tested.

SEND provision boost as cabinet approve Thornton Cleveleys Red Marsh School expansion

Proposals to expand Thornton Cleveleys Red Marsh School to boost provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have been approved by Lancashire County Council's cabinet.

Improvements to SEND services in Lancashire recognised

Lancashire County Council and health services within Lancashire have received feedback from the Department for Education (DfE) and NHS England on the progress they have made in improving and delivering outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Education, health and care (EHC) plan annual review survey results

The annual review survey collects children, young peoples and parent/carers views of the support that is delivered through educational heath and care (EHC) plans. This is a short survey of 5 questions to be completed at the end of the annual review meeting and replaces the Personal Outcomes Evaluation Toolkit (POET). You can now view the annual review survey results 2021.

Single Route of Redress – SEND tribunal extended powers

Following the national trial from April 2018 to August 2021 testing the extended powers for the SEND tribunal the Government has confirmed that they are continuing the extended powers of the SEND Tribunal, to make non-binding recommendations about the health and social care aspects of EHC plans.

Lancashire SEND Plan 2021-2025

The SEND Plan 2021-2025 was approved by the SEND Partnership Board in June 2021. Thank you to everyone who contributed to and shared views on the plan.

SEND Directory

Search for organisations and services that support or provide information, advice and activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.

Wennington Hall School

Lancashire County Council is consulting on a proposal to close Wennington Hall School from 31 August 2022.

Additional secondary school places to be provided in Pendle

Plans unveiled by the county council aim to provide extra places at Colne Primet Academy and SS John Fisher and Thomas More Roman Catholic High School.