Education Partnership Officers
Alicia Dixon & Alan Garner
Autumn October 2024
We are Community
Intended Outcomes
- Explore opportunities to use the TASS way of working to build a partnership to explore issues relating to strengthening relationships in communities across the locality and celebrate positive practice in this area.
- To support parents and pupils by raising awareness of the issues faced in communities around vaping, exploitation, online safety. (Pilot in Hyndburn and explore rolling out to other districts)
- Increase the access to and confidence in delivering 'Men At Work' materials in primary and community settings. Contribute to the refresh of the materials and roll out.
- Support education settings to have access to appropriate materials to raise awareness of, and to intervene effectively in instances relating to weapons and staying safe. Develop materials for primary settings and share with both primary and secondary settings to support safe transition.
- Share information, practice and learning across the district's Youth Hubs/16 + provision to enhance the offer for vulnerable young people and support access to EET programmes.
Activity last period
- Worked closely with the regional Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) lead to develop a brief outlining how schools can get involved in district CAP discussions. This has been shared widely and is also on the agenda for the LASSH conference in November 2024.
- Living Safely – Bids were submitted to the OPCC to support this work however this was not secured. This work will continue under the east Contextual Safeguarding partnership meeting, led by Empower.
- Working closely with Pennine Community Safety Partnership (CSP) on a Pennine wide vaping action plan in addition to the Smokefree Lancashire action plan.
- Weapons and knife crime working group have completed a short film and the LCC PHSE consultant is developing a lesson plan around this for primary and secondary settings which will be shared in the autumn term 2024.
- Work is ongoing with a primary school in Burnley to develop and strengthen relationships within their community. The Camerados organisation have refreshed their school materials and introduced their principles to the pupils and parents in the autumn term as means to achieve this and this will be reviewed. Plans are underway to explore replicating this with the local high school setting, parent groups and the local community.
- Strengthening Communities – we continue to gather examples of good practice across schools and settings that can be added to the LPDS Virtual scrapbook. This has now been opened up to schools countywide. The We Are Community pledge has been launched on Lancashire Day and settings invited to sign up in the east.
Planned activity next period
- Meeting to be arranged with LVRN Health lead, Emergency Dept Navigators and EPO'S countywide to look at their work with schools and how this is prioritised based on the data. To be further developed through the weapons and knife crime working group. This work aligns with the Pennine CSP serious violence tactical group.
- Meeting to be convened by the end of the autumn term with all districts and providers of education, employment and training opportunities for vulnerable groups across Pennine to share current picture and practice in each area. Youth Futures staff now in place and theory of change workshops to take place on the 27th
- Living Safely- explore links and opportunities with local businesses to raise awareness amongst staff in relation to exploitation and raise with east contextual safeguarding partnership and CSPs.
- Working with Pennine CSP to explore potential for a pilot in schools around testing vapes for illicit substances.
- Strengthening Communities- pledge to support 'We are Community' has now been agreed and launched. 'We are community' of ideas working groups will take place on a monthly basis and these will be publicised via all networks.
Impact so far
- 30 Reality Attachment and Trauma training courses delivered across Pennine and a further 8 sessions scheduled for Autumn 2024 term.
- Trauma informed training delivered by LVRN to library staff in Hyndburn.
- Youth Futures Careers and Education service introduced to Pennine EET group and now embedded within all settings.
- Youth Futures Foundation workshop engaged with Burnley Leadership Partnership to support the next pilot phase of funding being secured by the partnership and the pilot activity alongside local employers will go live in January 2025 following workshop with all stakeholders on 27th
- Strengthening Communities materials continue to be produced for the 'living scrapbook'. This has now been opened up countywide.
- Film content created in partnership with local primary school for the weapons working group to develop into a PSHE lesson to be shared with settings by the end of the autumn term.
- Men at Work materials updated to 'Foundations' dialogues for 9-12 year olds to support positive conversations with boys and young men. Updated version to be shared across LCC on 20th
Exit Strategy
Review the overarching priority and working groups regularly at Locality Group and seek to identify the appropriate forum to sustain activity i.e., Community Safety Partnerships/Community Alcohol Partnerships, Skills and Employment Groups.
Vaping working group- work now being managed under CAPs in each district.
Strengthening Communities 'living scrapbook' to be supported on the LPDS platform so that it can be accessed and added to by settings.