Morecambe Bay

Education Partnership Officer 

Craig Brown 


Autumn - November 2024 


Transitions from primary to secondary school

Intended Outcomes 

  • Reduction in permanent exclusions & suspensions 
  • Increase in the range of interventions for schools & settings 
  • Sharing of best practice between schools & settings 

Activity last period 

  • Meeting was held with Lancashire Youth Challenge, the Inclusion Hub chair, the Inclusion Hub transition lead, and the EPO.
  • Discussed the evaluation of the project and what is required to complete it.
  • Discussed the future and the sustainability of the project.
  • Looking at the legacy of the project and the options of developing an educational resource that could be given to the Inclusion Hub.

Impact so far 

  • The work of TASS and the exclusion priority was highlighted at the D1 Inclusion Hub Conference  
  • Engagement from Lancaster Community Voluntary Solutions and Lancashire Youth Challenge secured in supporting this priority. 
  • Funding was secured from the District 1 Inclusion Hub for the delivery of a 12-month pilot of the Restore Programme.
  • 3 cohorts of the pilot have been successfully delivered at 3 establishments in the district

Exit Strategy 

This priority will be stepped down from the Morecambe Bay TASS Locality Group and will be held by the transitions lead of the Inclusion Hub and will be supported by the Education Partnership Officer


Increasing Attendance 

Intended Outcomes 

  • Increase in attendance of pupils
  • Increase in interventions for schools & settings - capacity within school to address attendance
  • Sharing of best practice between schools & settings

Activity last period 

  • 3rd attendance support network was held in October at Christchurch Primary in Lancaster which was well attended by a mix of settings.
  • There was a real appetite to hold a meeting on a regular basis, where the first part would be updates from the LA and the second part would be for problem solving and sharing best practice.
  • Attendance lead from Lancaster & Morecambe College attended the network.

Impact so far 

  • The process and key learning from the Central project have been shared with the Locality Group, so they are aware of what other areas are doing. 
  • EPO has shared links to docs/services.
  • Awareness of the priority raised at the Primary Pastoral Leads network. Group would like to develop an attendance focused group to focus on this issue.
  • Local peer support channel established.

Exit Strategy 

This priority will be stepped down from the Morecambe Bay TASS locality Group and will be held by the Attendance Support Network.


Increasing those in Education, Employment or Training (EET)

Intended Outcomes 

  • Reduction in young people being classed as NEET
  • Increased links and pathways for opportunities and support.

Activity last period 

  • Continued to develop the Inspiring Futures project, including established local resources.
  • Continued to signpost support services and funding opportunities to relevant partners and stakeholders.
  • The new Youth Futures Officer joined the group. They have updated the group on their work so far.
  • The concern around AP will be picked up via the CYPMAF group in the District. The Community/Voluntary/Youth Worth section has raised this as an area they want to support.

Planned activity next period 

  • Continue to develop the Inspiring Futures project, including established local resources.
  • Look at forming an education group within this priority to support the coordination of raising ambitions.
  • Continue to signpost support services and funding opportunities to relevant partners and stakeholders.
  • Update on any developments around AP from planned meetings in this area.

Impact so far 

  • Initial meeting with key stakeholders held
  • Awareness raised of key learning from the Pennine Locality Group
  • Expanded the range of partners involved
  • Support of Lancaster CVS to explore how their directory platform can support Increasing EET.

Exit Strategy 

An increase in the support and options for young people when they leave school will be commonplace. 

Links will be established with the new Youth Futures Team and this priority will then sit with them