
Team Around the School and Settings (TASS) is a way of working that helps us strengthen partnerships and work collaboratively to achieve the very best outcomes for all our children and young people in Lancashire.

TASS provides the opportunity to identify patterns and address strategic issues that help us make improvements on a wider scale. 

To find out more, please contact your local Education Partnership Officer (EPO)

Fylde Coast

Morecambe Bay

Central Lancashire


West Lancashire


However, we know that at times you may require support and advice regarding a specific situation or individual.  Lancashire Children Family Wellbeing Services (CFW) implement an early intervention approach, supporting children and family's needs, which have been identified within the universal setting.  By interfacing with TASS, CFW can contribute to delivering family focussed, solutions based and multi-agency support, which offers the right service at the right time and in the right place for families in need of early help.  

If you need support at a child and family level, please contact the Senior Family Support Worker (Community) named as the primary link for your district

Allocation of CFW Senior Family Support Worker (Community) to geographical areas.


Fylde and Wyre


South Ribble

West Lancashire

Hyndburn and Ribble Valley


