Team Around the School and Settings (TASS)
Team Around the School and Settings (TASS)
What is TASS
Find out about the TASS approach.
TASS in Lancashire
Find out about the TASS Locality Groups and our Place Based Partnerships.
TASS in action
Examples of the TASS approach to support change and the outcomes from across Lancashire.
The TASS approach is implemented by a large local network of partners, including NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups, schools, the police and neighbouring unitary and district authorities. Lancashire's interconnected services work closely with children and families to ensure they remain at the centre of all that we do. TASS enables agencies, stakeholders and communities to come together to find solutions to barriers, utilise early help and interventions and ultimately improve outcomes for children and young people. If you work with children and young people in Lancashire, or you are involved in their care or education – you are already part of TASS!