When to apply

Please only apply once your child has received their school offer.

We recommend that you apply for your child’s travel pass in plenty of time before it is needed. If you don’t, you may have to pay your child’s travel fares and we may not be able to refund this money. We will only refund any travel fares you have to pay while you are waiting for your child’s travel pass if we have caused the delay.

If your child is new to primary school or new to the area you should apply as soon as you know which school your child will attend.

If your child is transferring from primary to secondary school we will write to you (usually in May or June) if we think your child is eligible. If you have not received a letter by 30 June and think you may be entitled contact us.

If your application is granted, you should expect to receive the pass on the following dates:

  • If received by 19 July passes sent out by 16 August
  • If received during August passes will be sent within 20 working days of receipt

If your application is received after 10 August we cannot guarantee that we will be able to issue a pass by the start of the new term.

Outside of these dates, passes will normally be issued and posted to you by 2nd class post within ten working days from the date your application has been granted.

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