Renew or change your pass
For most children, if their travel pass expires at the end of this school year, you do not need to re-apply. If they're still entitled, their new pass will be sent out at the beginning of August.
Please check the guidance below for different circumstances.
Gold passes
If your child has a Gold pass, it will remain in use until the expiry date on the front of the pass. It will not be renewed each year.
Year 6
If your child is due to start secondary school, we will write to you (usually in May or June) if we believe your child is eligible. If you have not received a letter 10 days before the start of the autumn term please contact us.
Year 11
If your child is in year 11, their eligibility for transport will change next year. Please see the post-16 student transport page.
Income based eligibility
If your child receives free transport on the grounds that they get free school meals - we will let you know if you no longer qualify before your pass is due to be sent out (around the beginning of August.)
If you get the maximum amount of working tax credit and this is the grounds for your child getting free transport - we will contact you in July each year to confirm you are still eligible.
Change of details
If your child changes address or school, their entitlement to transport assistance may change. We will need to reassess your child's eligibility and will contact you if your child is no longer eligible.
Please tell us about any changes by completing this form: