Information for parents about applying for reception places for September 2025.

Advice and support

Online application support

If you need help logging in, changing your password or filling in the online application form, contact the customer access centre:

Advice about school admissions

You can contact your area education office for more information and advice about school admissions.

Independent advice

For independent advice about school admissions visit the ACE Education Advice website.

Paper application forms

If making an online application is not possible there is a paper application form. You can download it here or contact the area education office.

Printable PDF booklets

All information for parents applying for a school place is available on these web pages or related pages.

However, if you would like to print or view the information as a PDF, you can also download the information as documents.

Download information about the admission criteria and process in the following document:

Download local school information in the admissions policy booklets by area:

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