School offers

We will email secondary school offers and publish the offers online during working hours on Monday 3 March 2025. Please allow a full day for your email to arrive.

We can't confirm results with you over the phone due to data protection.

Check secondary school offers

If you can't see your school offer

Check your spam or junk mail folders if your email hasn't arrived.

If you have more than one email address, you may have registered with a different address.

If you no longer use the email address that you registered with contact us for help.

If you applied late you'll receive your offer after the official offer date.

If you submitted a paper application form you'll receive your offer by second class post, which will arrive after the official offer date.

If you have not received your offer letter by Friday 7 March please contact the area education office.

What happens next

You don't need to confirm the place with us. However, the school or academy may contact you to confirm the place, please respond if they contact you direct.

If the offer is not one of your preferred schools or academies this is because other applicants had higher priority within the determined admission arrangements.

You can appeal the decision or add your child's name to waiting lists for other schools.

The situation will change for many families as the reserve list and appeal processes roll forward.

If you have made alternative arrangements for your child's education please contact the area education office by letter or email as soon as possible. This will allow any places which become available to be offered to other families who are on reserve lists.

If you need any further information or advice please contact your area education office.

Help with school costs

If your child already gets free school meals you don't need to apply again. We regularly check that children are still entitled to the meals and will let you know if you are no longer eligible.

If you are applying for the first time check the eligibility for free school meals and how to apply.

If we think your child is eligible for free travel to school we will send you an application form (usually in May/June). If you have not received your form by 30 June and think you may be entitled then please contact the School Traveline on 0300 123 6738.