Consultation on school admission policies

School admission arrangements comprise of a policy document which includes how to apply for the school and the criteria applied should the school be oversubscribed.  They also include the school's admission number. 

The admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools and sixth forms are proposed and determined by Lancashire County Council as the admissions authority.

Voluntary aided, foundation, free schools and academies are their own admission authorities.


Admission authorities must consult upon any changes they wish to make to their admission arrangements. The consultation period takes place from 1 October to 31 January. The arrangements should comply with the Department for Education's School Admissions Code.

Proposed rules and policies 

Find out if any changes are proposed for the schools and sixth forms in your area and how to comment on the changes.

2026-27 proposed admission arrangements

2025-26 proposed admission arrangements

Determined rules and policies

Admission authorities must determine admission arrangements by 28 February and publish them within 14 days.  We will publish all final policies as quickly as we can once we receive them. 

If you think that any maintained school or academy’s arrangements are unlawful or not in compliance with the School Admissions Code (external link) or law relating to admissions, you can make an objection to the Schools Adjudicator through the GOV.UK website. You have until 15 May to contact the adjudicator if you have an objection.

The admission arrangements below include the co-ordinated admissions scheme for Lancashire schools.

2026-27 determined admission arrangements

2025-26 determined admission arrangements

2024/25 determined admission arrangements

2023/24 determined admission arrangements