What should baby sleep in?

The room your baby sleeps in should be between 16-20°C. Use a thermometer to check the temperature. If it’s too hot, you can turn down the heating or open the window.

To check if your baby is too warm, the best place to feel is on their chest, with the back of your hand. Don’t worry if baby’s hands or feet feel cool, this is normal.

If they are too warm remove a layer of bedding and/or clothing. If using a sleep bag remove your baby’s clothes and make sure you continue to fit the sleep bag according to safety instructions.


What your baby should wear to sleep will depend on:

  • your baby
  • the temperature of the room
  • what bedding you choose for your baby
  • the time of year

Your baby should never wear a hat while they are asleep inside. Remember to remove warm clothing and hats when you come in from outside, even if this means waking your baby.


  • Use sheets, cellular blankets or a correctly fitted sleep bag.
  • Use no more than 6 layers, this includes the vest and baby grow.
  • Baby sleep bags come in various togs and each one should have a label that says when it is best to use it as a guide.
  • If anyone is sharing a bed space with your baby, ensure the space baby is in, is free from any adult bedding.
  • Don’t use pillows and duvets (under 12 months) as they increase the risk of suffocation and overheating. Pillow use alone has been shown to increase the chance of death occurring by 2.5 times.

Remember! If you fold a blanket or sheet this should be counted as a double layer.