
We're working alongside OnePlusOne to provide online relationship courses for parents. Anyone in Lancashire can access these courses for free.

Me, you and baby too

An online course for new and expectant parents.

Having a baby can be an exciting time but it’s also one of the biggest changes you and your partner are likely to go through.

You’ll both be tired and stressed, and you may argue more.

Me, you and baby too is a free online course that can help you navigate these changes and keep moving forward together.

You will learn:

  • what your baby picks up, even before they are born
  • why stress should be a shared burden
  • how you and your partner can support each other
  • how to talk to bring up difficult topics
  • how arguments start, and how to stop them

Accessing the course

Visit the OnePlusOne parents website, select Lancashire and create an account.

The course will take about 40 minutes to complete, so it’s best to give yourself enough time and space to reflect.

As the course is online you can go through it at your own pace. You can do it all in one go or save your progress and come back to it later.

Other courses

There are more online and group relationship courses for parents if you're worried about disagreements and arguments in your relationship or are separating or separated.

See arguments in parental relationships for more information.