Communicating with your baby

Before baby is born

Communication is the foundation of all skills your child will learn for life and begins even before they are born.

The sounds your baby hears in the womb will be familiar once they reach the world outside. For example you and your partner, the dog, the TV, friends and family, in fact, any all sounds around the home.

It's very important for both of you to touch or gently stroke your bump. It's excellent and all part of you both bonding with your baby and is the basis of a secure attachment they will have later with their parents.

To find out more, watch the video: your baby’s senses during pregnancy on the BabyCentre website.

Helping your baby learn and develop

Watch this video from the NHS to learn more about how you can help your baby's development through play:


Our Family Hubs have lots of groups where you can bond with your baby, meet other families and get support from professionals.


Our play, explore and learn pages are full of activities for you and your children to do together to help them learn. Suitable for children from birth to 5.