Babies cry, you can cope

Research points to persistent crying in babies being a potential trigger for some parents or caregivers to lose control and shake a baby.

Shaking a baby can cause abusive head trauma. Sadly we know this can be fatal and cause immediate death or life long injuries resulting in premature death.

Comfort methods can sooth babies and reduce the possibility that a carer is so overwhelmed they treat the baby roughly and cause damage.

Focusing on the comfort methods that could work for your baby and sharing the ideas with each carer can help.

Speak to someone if you need support such as your family, friends, midwife, GP or health visitor.


Read the soothing techniques on the ICON website.

ICON stands for:

  • Infant crying is normal
  • Comforting methods can help
  • It’s OK to walk away
  • Never, ever shake a baby

Their website has lots more information about infant crying.