Home education websites
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- Digital library Your Digital Library includes a download Library of eBooks plus lots of online information sources.
- Lancashire home education forum group
- Lancashire Professional Development Service – login to the Lancashire Schools Portal to access free home schooling units developed by Lancashire's Primary Teaching & Learning Consultants. Enquire with your Lancashire School to be sent these materials.
- Lancashire Secondary School Consultants – comprehensive guidance for the home education of secondary age children from Lancashire's Secondary Teaching & Learning Consultants.
- At school primary education site
- BBC learning
- Ed yourself
- Primary resources
- Learn English with the British council
- Resources and news for science
- Department for education
- PATOSS - useful information and advice about SEN and dyslexia
- Apprenticeships - information and advice on the national apprenticeship service
- The National Careers Service
- Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA)
- HE Special - a group of families who home educate children with special educational needs and disabilities
- Oxford Home Schooling - home education courses
- Exam Tuition - Online distance learning specialising in the core GCSE subjects
- Education Otherwise - provides support and information for families whose children are being educated outside school