Endless possibilities

(All ages)

You will need:

Everyday items such as:

  • boxes
  • blankets and clothes pegs
  • socks
  • curtain rings
  • ice cube trays, pastry brush, potato masher, garlic press, sieves pans, spoons, spatulas, baking trays, muffin trays, bottle and jar tops
  • acorns, conkers, fir cones
  • pebbles, shells, sand
  • twigs and branches

Safety – always consider choking hazards and breakable objects.

What to do:

  • watch your child playing - try not to always take the lead
  • ask questions such as, 'I wonder what will happen if …'

Examples of activities

A cardboard box has endless play opportunities. Perhaps you could turn the box into a pretend vehicle and go on imaginary journeys!

Old food containers washed clean can be used in lots of ways. Put rice (sealed in with sticky tape) inside containers to make shakers or drums as music to join in with rhymes and stories.

Explore textures as you play, talk to children about the different ways things feel, for example, 'spiky' fir cones and 'smooth' shells.

Skills your child will learn:

  • counting objects
  • mathematical language relating to size, weight, capacity, position and shape.
  • explore textures - how sticky, prickly, silky and fluffy actually feel like against their skin, even if a child is not able to verbally communicate
  • problem solving
  • strengthen muscles – gripping, squeezing, pinching
  • creative and imaginative skills
  • learning new words