Lancashire Carers Service
The Lancashire Carers Service provides vital support to carers on our behalf to help them with their crucial role.
It provides:
- access to a 24-hour-a-day carers advice chatline
- help for carers to create emergency plans to prepare for situations where they are unable to provide their role
- a Volunteer Befriending and Sitting in Service to help you find company and take a break
- a huge range of digital information resources and much more
To find out more about Lancashire Carers Service and the support they provide:
- visit the Lancashire Carers Service Website where you can complete an enquiry form
- call 0345 688 7113, select option one for East Lancashire, or option two for Central or North Lancashire
- email for East Lancashire or for Central or North Lancashire
You can also get free support from Carers Count.
Get in touch
To speak to Lancashire Carers Service, call 0345 688 7113 and select option one for East Lancashire or option two for Central or North Lancashire.