Am I a carer?

If you give unpaid care to someone over the age of 18 because of their age, disability or any other issues by supporting them with any of these tasks, you are a carer:

  • helping with washing, dressing, eating or any other daily tasks
  • taking them to regular appointments
  • keeping them company when they feel lonely or anxious

You could be caring for a friend, loved one, family or neighbour.

Around one in 10 people in Lancashire are a carer, but they often don't see themselves as a carer. They just see themselves as helping a friend or family member.  

If you are a carer and contact us, it's likely you'll be able to access a range of support to help you. You can find out more about the support we offer at this page.

If you feel you will still need more formal social care support, you can ask us for a carers assessment so we can check whether you are eligible. 

Get in touch

To speak to Lancashire Carers Service, call 0345 688 7113 and select option one for East Lancashire or option two for Central or North Lancashire.