Recipe 4 health award

Recipe 4 Health award

The Recipe 4 Health award promotes businesses that focus on healthier eating, environmental issues, and social responsibility.

Recipe 4 Health is a Lancashire Trading Standards scheme for caterers. At each level, you have to show you are compliant with food safety, food standards, licensing and age restricted sales legislation. You will also need to have an awareness of healthier eating, environmental issues, allergens and alcohol issues.

The award is fully funded and you need to have passed your last environmental health inspection. You then complete a self-assessment form, which asks for information about your business. This is then returned to the Recipe 4 Health team, who will assess the form and any evidence provided. In some cases, a quick telephone chat might be needed or a short visit to your premises.

If  you meet the criteria of the award, then you will be notified and receive your award during a quick presentation. The whole process should take no longer than 1 month. All businesses with the award will be promoted on our website, via social media and through publicity of the scheme in council buildings.

Watch our video to find out more about the scheme

What's new

We've added a new video about the “bang, shake, and drain” method to our supporting information for frying food. Watch the bang, shake and drain video on YouTube.

R4H Award recipients

Congratulation to four amazing businesses which have recently received a Recipe 4 Health award.

In Rossendale, Recipe 4 Health lead Jamal Dermott, presented Amanda O'Driscoll and Sophie Marsden at The Woolpack with the Silver Award; and Andrew Clarke-Cope at the Queens Bistro with the Bronze award.

In Lancaster, he presented David Osbaldston at The Pavilion Café, Williamson Park with the Bronze Award; and

Hayley Cox, Mollie Swinden and Tara Stapleton at the Printroom Café, The Storey with the Bronze award.

Rossendale R4H award ceremony

Congratulations to all the Rossendale businesses who took part in the recent Recipe 4 Health Award Ceremony and were congratulated by Councillor Judith Driver, the mayor of Rossendale.

Amphora Kitchen, Puddleducks Children's Nursery, Crumb, Dollys, The Link Café, The Coop, Mason's Creations, The Woolpack


See our Recipe 4 Health newsletter January 2025 for photos of the latest R4H award recipients, advice on healthier frying, and more.

Benefits for your business

Businesses will be supported to make positive yet simple changes to their menus, policies, and practice to support the health of the local community and for the benefit of the local environment.

Businesses with the award will receive online promotion on the Lancashire County Council website, which has full public access and is promoted across the county, and in council buildings.

Businesses with the award will receive a promotion pack containing a certificate and other eye-catching materials to display in premises along with a detailed support pack to help businesses maintain the award.

Applications for the award are free of charge.

Watch this short video to hear local businesses talk about why they joined the scheme and some practical examples of how they encourage healthier eating.

Healthier catering training

You will need to register for an account with our training site.

Lancashire County Council eLearning

Once you have registered for an account, search for "healthier catering".

How to apply

There are three levels to R4H - Bronze, Silver and Gold.

You must apply for each level of the award – for example, if you would like to apply for Silver, you must have the Bronze R4H Award first.

You must have attained at least 3 stars or over for the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.

Please fill in the self-assessment form below. The form is then sent to Trading Standards. If you successfully qualify for the award, you will receive your award during a short presentation. The whole process should take no longer than 1 month.

Complete the self-assessment form carefully, answering yes/no and filling in the information requested. If any questions are not applicable to your business, please write N/A.

Please provide as much information as possible. If you need more space, please include any extra information on additional paper.

Please provide a copy of your menu with your assessment sheet.

The self-assessment forms can be completed here:

Alternatively you can print the forms and return them to:

Recipe4Health Team
Lancashire Trading Standards

County Hall
Pitt Street

Save on postage and paper by filling in the form electronically, save it and email it back to:

We encourage you to include evidence with your application, please scan it and attach it to the email, or send copies if you are returning your application by post.

You can apply to the award at any time of the year. If you have any questions, please contact: or 01772 532145.

Membership criteria

Supporting information

You need a 3* Food Hygiene Rating to apply for the Bronze R4H Award, a 4* Food Hygiene Rating to apply for the Silver R4H Award and a 5* Rating to apply for the Gold Award.

By law, food business operators must ensure that food handlers receive the appropriate supervision and training in food hygiene, which is in-line with the area they work in and will enable them to handle food in the safest way.

To manage food hygiene and safety procedures in your food business, you should follow Hazard Anlaysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles.

The four main things to remember for good hygiene are the 4Cs: Cleaning, Cooking, Chilling and Cross-contamination.

Further information on food hygiene requirements for your business.

Food businesses are seeing a rise in demand for healthier options, and many are expanding their healthier food offerings to meet this growing interest.

Market your status as a Recipe 4 Health award holder - display the Recipe 4 Health certificate and window sticker to attract publicity and new, health-conscious customers.

Promote healthier options and meal deals at the top of the menu to make sure they stand out. Make sure to inform customers of the benefits of these changes and that the taste of the food will not be compromised but enhanced!

Display healthier food and drink choices such as bottles of water and sugar free drinks in a prominent position within eye level and easy reach.

Make your food options healthier, for example, all meals come with a salad/vegetable side, brown bread instead of white bread, smaller portion sizes, healthier kid's menu.

The R4H award encourages businesses to support staff by raising awareness of simple healthy eating guidance and increasing confidence in promoting healthy options to customers.

The Eatwell Guide shows how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet. As the UK population consume a large amount of food out of the home, food businesses should be familiar with these guidelines.

As well as the standard Eatwell Guide, there are culturally appropriate guides for South Asian diets and African & Caribbean diets.

Try to incorporate vegetables and salad into dishes as standard, offer wholegrain options, use reduced fat, salt, and sugar items, and offer free tap water refills.

Highlight healthier options on your menu and in store - place healthier items at the top of your menu or highlight in a different colour. Place healthier drinks and snacks at eye level, such as bottled water.

Fruits and veg are a good source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Eating plenty of fruit and veg helps promote digestive health and prevent against heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

Add vegetables, pulses, and lentils to as many dishes as possible - pulses and lentils are a good source of protein, and a lot cheaper than meat!

Instead of deep frying, try steaming, quick (stir) frying, air frying or grilling vegetables.

Offer wholemeal carbohydrates where possible for extra fibre - brown rice, brown pasta, brown bread, and wraps.

Offer fruit on children’s menus, dessert menus or as part of a meal deal.

Offer a side salad as standard with main meals.


Consuming too much sugar can contribute excess calories, which in turn increases the risk of tooth decay, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

Check the label and choose pre-made sauces and condiments that are lower in sugar. For example, low/no sugar ketchup or brown sauce.

Offer low calorie or no added sugar drinks as the default option instead of sugary drinks and display these at eye level in store.

Drinks on children’s menus should be water or milk only, or no added sugar fruit juice or fruit juice that comes in a 150ml serving (max).

Offer low sugar, fruit-based desserts as standard, such as fruit crumble, fruit and yoghurt, fruit cake or banana bread.


Too much salt intake can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke and heart disease.

Gradually reduce salt and salty ingredients in cooking. Add a little less salt each week until you can avoid it altogether.

Choose saltshakers that have 3 holes rather than 5. Consider removing saltshakers from tables and counters, and only provide salt upon customer request.

Check the label and choose pre-made sauces, condiments, stock cubes and gravy granules that are lower in salt. Flavour dishes with herbs, spices, and black pepper instead.

Offer lower salt, healthier side dishes such as steamed vegetables, plain rice, bread with unsalted butter or unsalted nuts.

Foods high in fat contain lots of calories, and overconsumption of high fat foods can lead to weight gain. This could increase risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. Reducing saturated fat intake can lower blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of overweight and obesity.

Frying food

Healthier eating is becoming more and more important to customers.

To fry food in a healthier way, try the “bang, shake, and drain” method. Shake the food and bang the basket a few times. This helps reduce fat by 20%, making the food healthier, crispier, and tastier. Plus, you’ll use less oil, saving money.

Watch this short video for a demonstration of the method.

Oil maintenance

When frying, do you look at oil maintenance and how this can be improved?

For example, oil in deep fryers is:

  • regularly strained/debris skimmed after each batch/throughout service
  • fully filtered at least weekly
  • topped up after every session
  • changed before it froths, foams or smokes

Offering alternatives

Switch to unsaturated oils for cooking such as sunflower or rapeseed oil. Only use a small amount.

Limit the number of fried foods on your menu - offer steamed, grilled or boiled dishes instead, or consider using an air-fryer. This will save you money and offer customers more choice.

Avoid frying foods more than once - this increases the fat content of the food. Try par-boiling and flash-frying if you need to pre-prepare.

For sandwich fillings, try to use less mayonnaise and salad cream, and switch to reduced fat options. Choose reduced-fat hard cheese and thinly slice.

If you serve hot drinks, do you offer semi or skimmed milk?

Clear allergen guidance is essential for businesses to ensure the safety of staff and customers.

Display signs that encourage customers to ask staff about allergenic ingredients. Staff should be trained to check with the chef if customers have a query about allergens.

Check pre-packaged products and request notifications from suppliers if products contain allergens, and make sure staff are aware which menu items contain allergenic ingredients.

All staff must receive training on allergens. The Food Standards Agency offer free food allergy training

The Food Standards Agency’s allergens checklist for food businesses.

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of their impact on the environment and may look for this when eating out, and the tips below may even save you money!

Reduce food waste by repurposing left over ingredients, such as using leftover vegetables in soups or stews. To reduce consumer food waste, offer smaller or ‘light bite’ portions, and serve appropriately sized portions on children’s menus.

To save money on your energy bill, use energy efficient light bulbs, only use the dishwasher when full and turn off taps when not in use.

Promote free tap drinking water in your premises to avoid single-use plastic use.

Make sure your staff are trained in waste minimisation, recycling and water and energy saving practices.

Buy local produce and use sustainable packaging.

Existing award holders


  • Nature Trail Nursery (Railway) - 35 Wigan Road, Euxton, Chorley, PR7 6LA
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Heskin) - Withington Lane, Heskin, Chorley, PR7 5LU
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Brinscall) - School Lane, Brinscall, Chorley, PR6 8QP
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Park Rd) - 7 Trafalgar Street, Chorley, PR7 1HE
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Euxton) - Euxton Methodist Hall, Wigan Road, Euxton, Chorley, PR7 6LP
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Parbold) - Parbold Hill, Parbold, Wigan, WN8 7TG
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Old School House) - Parker Street, Chorley, PR7 1ES
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Chorley) - Unit 1 Initial Site, Harpers Lane, Chorley, PR6 0FD
  • Playdor Nursery - 4 Chorley Hall Road, Chorley, PR7 4NB
  • Westmorland School - Weldbank, Chorley PR7 3NQ


  • Haslingden Community Link - Bury Road, Haslingden BB4 5PG
  • Puddleducks Children's Nursery - 220 Helmshore Road, Haslingden BB4 4DJ
  • Crumb Sandwich Bar - 20 Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • The Circle - 10 St John's Court, Fern Street, Bacup OL13 8BD


  • Loaves + Fishes - Church Street, Barnoldswick BB18 5UR
  • Colne Youth Action Group - Byron Road, Colne BB8 0BQ


  • Giant Leap Childcare - Coal Clough House, Coal Clough Lane, Burnley BB11 4NJ


  • The Gallery - Lancashire County Council, Mill 14, White Cross Neighbourhood Centre, Quarry Road, Lancaster LA1 3SE
  • HMP Lancaster Farms - Stone Row Head, Lancaster LA1 3QZ


  • Reflections - Lancashire County Council, County Hall, Fishergate Hill, Preston PR1 8XB
  • Bowland Café - Beacon Fell Country Park, Goosnargh, Preston PR2 2NL

South Ribble

  • Carr Manor Nursery - St. Patricks Place, Walton-Le-Dale, Preston PR5 4HN


  • Rossall Nursery - Broadway, Fleetwood FY7 8JW


  • Playdor Nursery - 4 Chorley Hall Road, Chorley PR7 4NB
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Railway) - 35 Wigan Road, Euxton, Chorley PR7 6LA
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Heskin) - Withington Lane, Heskin, Chorley PR7 5LU
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Brinscall) - School Lane, Brinscall, Chorley PR6 8QP
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Park Rd) - 7 Trafalgar Street, Chorley PR7 1HE
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Euxton) - Euxton Methodist Hall, Wigan Road, Euxton, Chorley PR7 6LP
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Parbold) - Parbold Hill, Parbold, Wigan WN8 7TG
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Old School House) - Parker Street, Chorley PR7 1ES
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Chorley) - Unit 1 Initial Site, Harpers Lane, Chorley PR6 0FD
  • Westmorland School - Weldbank, Chorley PR7 3NQ


  • Old Fashioned Catering - 52 Manchester Road, Barnoldswick BB18 5AR
  • Loaves + Fishes - Church Street, Barnoldswick BB18 5UR
  • Colne Youth Action Group - Byron Road, Colne BB8 0BQ


  • Haslingden Community Link - Bury Road, Haslingden BB4 5PG
  • Mason's Creations - Rawtenstall Market, Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • The Coop - Rawtenstall Market, Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • Amphora Kitchen - Rawtenstall Market, Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • Crumb Sandwich Bar - 20 Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • Puddleducks Children's Nursery - 220 Helmshore Road, Haslingden BB4 4DJ
  • Dolly's Café - 5 Manchester Road, Haslingden BB4 5SL
  • The Circle, 10 St John's Court, Fern Street, Bacup OL13 8BD
  • The Woolpack - 488 Manchester Road, Haslingden BB4 6LN


  • Giant Leap Childcare - Coal Clough House, Coal Clough Lane, Burnley BB11 4NJ


  • The Gallery - Lancashire County Council, Mill 14, White Cross Neighbourhood Centre, Quarry Road, Lancaster LA1 3SE
  • HMP Lancaster Farms - Stone Row Head, Lancaster LA1 3QZ


  • Reflections - Lancashire County Council, County Hall, Fishergate Hill, Preston PR1 8XB
  • Bowland Café - Beacon Fell Country Park, Goosnargh, Preston PR2 2NL

South Ribble

  • Carr Manor Nursery, St. Patricks Place, Walton-Le-Dale, Preston PR5 4HN


  • Rossall Nursery - Broadway, Fleetwood FY7 8JW


  • Mr Gatty's Tea Room - Elmfield Hall, Gatty Park, Accrington BB5 4AA


  • Playdor Nursery - 4 Chorley Hall Road, Chorley PR7 4NB
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Railway) - 35 Wigan Road, Euxton, Chorley PR7 6LA
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Heskin) - Withington Lane, Heskin, Chorley PR7 5LU
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Brinscall) - School Lane, Brinscall, Chorley PR6 8QP
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Park Rd) - 7 Trafalgar Street, Chorley PR7 1HE
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Euxton) - Euxton Methodist Hall, Wigan Road, Euxton, Chorley PR7 6LP
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Parbold) - Parbold Hill, Parbold, Wigan WN8 7TG
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Old School House) - Parker Street, Chorley PR7 1ES
  • Nature Trail Nursery (Chorley) - Unit 1 Initial Site, Harpers Lane, Chorley PR6 0FD
  • Westmorland School - Weldbank, Chorley PR7 3NQ


  • The Café at Pendle Wavelengths - Leeds Road, Nelson BB9 9TD
  • Santa’s Pizza - 176 Leeds Road, Nelson BB9 9XW
  • The Sandwich Stop kiosk - The Kiosk, 1A Cross Street, Nelson BB9 7EN
  • Nelson & Colne College - Scotland Road, Nelson BB9 7YT
  • Victoria Park Pavilion Café - Carr Road, Nelson BB9 7SS
  • Egg Free Cakebox - 26 Manchester Road, Nelson BB9 7EG
  • Mansha Sweet Centre - 62 to 66 Manchester Road, Nelson BB9 7EJ
  • Flava - 151 Railway Street, Nelson BB9 9PG
  • Freddy's Chicken and Pizza - 70 Manchester Road, Nelson BB9 7EJ
  • Kobeda Cuisine Ltd - 72A Manchester Road, Nelson BB9 7EJ
  • Lalas Takeaway - 80 Manchester Road, Nelson BB9 7HD 
  • Plaice on the Hill Chip Shop - 38 Larch Street, Nelson BB9 9RH
  • Chunky Chicken - 292 to 296 Leeds Road, Nelson BB9 8EP
  • The Village Pizzeria - 27 to 29 Railway Street, Nelson BB9 9SG
  • The Kabin Sandwich Bar & Bistro - 138 Gisburn Road, Barrowford BB9 6HQ
  • Bodies in Motion - Orchid House, 30 Colne Road, Brierfield, Nelson BB9 5NS
  • Funda Land - The Leisure Box, Northlight, Glen Way, Brierfield BB9 5NH
  • Loaves + Fishes - Church Street, Barnoldswick BB18 5UR
  • Sue's Pantry – West Craven Sports Centre, Kelbrook Road, Barnoldswick BB18 5TB
  • Old Fashioned Catering - 52 Manchester Road, Barnoldswick BB18 5AR
  • Cafe Express - 14-16 Market Square, Nelson BB9 7LP
  • Colne Youth Action Group - Byron Road, Colne BB8 0BQ


  • Mason's Creations - Rawtenstall Market, Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • Spicy Jack Deli - Rawtenstall Market, Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • Crumb Sandwich Bar - 20 Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • Riley's Butchers - 599-607 Burnley Road, Crawshawbooth, Rossendale BB4 8AN
  • The Coop - Rawtenstall Market, Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • Amphora Kitchen - Rawtenstall Market, Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7QX
  • Anna's Café Bar - 165 Burnley Road, Weir, Bacup OL13 8QE
  • The Whitaker Museum - Whitaker Park, Haslingden Road, Rossendale BB4 6RE
  • Haslingden Community Link - Bury Road, Haslingden BB4 5PG
  • Dolly's Café - 5 Manchester Road, Haslingden BB4 5SL
  • Julie's Sandwich Shop - 550 Burnley Road, Rossendale BB4 8NE
  • Jenni's House - 121 Newchurch Road, Rossendale BB4 7SU
  • Puddleducks Children's Nursery - 220 Helmshore Road, Haslingden BB4 4DJ
  • The Woolpack - 488 Manchester Road, Haslingden BB4 6LN
  • The Circle - 10 St John's Court, Fern Street, Bacup OL13 8BD
  • Queens Bistro - 1 Bank Street, Rawtenstall BB4 6QS


  • Giant Leap Childcare - Coal Clough House, Coal Clough Lane, Burnley, BB11 4NJ


  • The Gallery - Lancashire County Council, Mill 14, White Cross Neighbourhood Centre, Quarry Road, Lancaster LA1 3SE
  • HMP Lancaster Farms - Stone Row Head, Lancaster LA1 3QZ
  • Printroom Café - The Storey, 2 Meeting House Lane, Lancaster LA1 1TH
  • The Pavilion Café - Williamson Park, Quernmore Road, Lancaster LA1 1UX
  • Refuel Café - Salt Ayre Sports Centre, Salt Ayre Lane, Lancaster LA1 5JS


  • Reflections - Lancashire County Council, County Hall, Fishergate Hill, Preston PR1 8XB
  • Bowland Café - Beacon Fell Country Park, Goosnargh, Preston PR2 2NL

South Ribble

  • Carr Manor Nursery - St. Patricks Place, Walton-Le-Dale, Preston PR5 4HN


  • Rossall Nursery - Broadway, Fleetwood FY7 8JW