LPS CORP - The Supply and Delivery of Fresh Bread & Meat, Groceries and Frozen Food to Lancashire County Council Corporate Premises - LCC43649

Negotiation Number * LCC43649
Contract Reference * CR/CORP/LCC/24/206
Contract Title * The Supply and Delivery of Fresh Bread & Meat, Groceries and Frozen Food to Lancashire County Council Corporate Premises
Tender Process Closing Date * 25th March 2025 @ 12:00pm
Expressions of Interest invited before: (if applicable)  
Further Information/Documentation to be requested from (web location) * Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal
Contract Start Date * 01/09/2025
Contract End Date * 31/08/2029
Is this notice linked to another notice? * No
Is this a sub-contract? * (Please select) No
Annual Contract Value * Between £257,000 and £308,400
Total Contract Value * Between £1,028,000 and £1,233,600
Is this suitable for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)? * Yes
Is this suitable for VCSE (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise)? * No
Please specify the Contract Type to be used * Supply
What Procedure Type will be used for this Procurement? * Open Procedure (Above Threshold)
Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance *  North West
CPV Code(s) * 15000000, 15810000, 15110000
NUTS Code(s) UKD4
Description * Lancashire County Council (The Authority) is inviting tenders on the terms set out in the ITT to secure a multi-lotted supplier framework for the supply and direct delivery of food and drink products into the Authority's Corporate Premises, including Fresh Bread and Fresh Meat Products, Groceries and Frozen Food.

Corporate Premises include, Corporate Cafes, Outdoor Education Centres, Museums, Libraries, Day Centres, Children's Centres etc.

The Framework is separated into three (3) lots and the requirements are as follows.

Lot 1 - The Supply and Direct Delivery of Groceries and Frozen Food

Lot 2 - The Supply and Direct Delivery of Fresh Bread, Morning Good and Sweet Baked Products

Lot 3 - The Supply and Direct Delivery of Fresh Non-Halal Meat Products

The initial Framework term is 2 years, the Authority may in its absolute discretion, exercise the option to extend the term by any number of defined periods, so long as the maximum duration of the framework agreement does not exceed 4 years.

The framework is estimated to be between £257,000 and £308,400 per annum based on the Purchaser's own recent historical data. (Between £1,028,000 and £1,233,600 over the maximum 4-year period)

Tenderers should note the value of the whole framework may fluctuate and total value is not guaranteed.

Please see the tender documentation for further information

Contact Name * Chris Ridings
Contact Email Address * contractscorporate@lancashire.gov.uk
Contact Address * County Hall
Contact Town/City * Preston
Contact Postcode * PR1 0LD
Contact Telephone Number * 01772 539403
Awarding Authority * Lancashire County Council
Tender Documents are available until: * 25th March 2025 @ 12:00pm
Other information:  (Please add any additional information):

The tender documents are available on Lancashire County Council's electronic tendering site. https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/iSupplier/

Use of this system does not require high specification IT equipment or connections, nor high level personal IT skills/capabilities. Access to the system/software and advice is free of charge, tenderers are advised to allow plenty of time for registration and to do this as early as possible during the tender period. Registration is necessary in order to view the tender details and obtain tender documentation.

NEGOTIATON (Request For Quote) NUMBER (Tender reference number for online tendering system) is: LCC43649. For further information please contact: contractscorporate@lancashire.gov.uk