LPS CORP - Provision of Local Bus Services and School Bus Services - Dynamic Purchasing System
Negotiation Number: LCC10019
Contract Reference: PH/CORP/LCC/19/916
Lancashire County Council (the Authority) procure local and school bus services in Lancashire.
The Transport services are arranged and funded by Lancashire County Council.
In addition the services include local bus services across the county and into adjoining local authority areas that are complimentary to bus services provided on a commercial basis and the provision of home to school journeys within Lancashire and surrounding areas.
It is the Authority's intention to operate a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the future provision of these services.
The DPS will be split into two categories: - category one - Local Bus Services and category two – School Bus Services
To be appointed onto the DPS suppliers must hold specific operator licences for PSV transport services and meet minimum quality standards covering a range of areas including Insurance, vehicles, contract standards, driver training and appropriate clearance and customer care.
Services are developed by the Public and Integrated Transport Team and are let as individual contracts. These are tendered by way of a mini-competition between the appointed suppliers.
The DPS is now open for requests to participate and is anticipated to be open for a period of up to ten years up to 31 December 2029.
How to apply
To participate and join the DPS, please download and complete the Selection Questionnaire from the list of documents below. Your completed Selection Questionnaire must be returned via the Fusion Supplier Portal Fusion Supplier Portal - Lancashire County Council under Negotiation number LCC10019 Provision of Local & School Bus Services - Dynamic Purchasing System
Further information, including instructions on how to participate and apply to join the DPS, user guides, and terms and conditions can be downloaded from the list of documents below
Supplier information event
Any future supplier information days that the Authority will be hosting, including details on how to book onto them, will be advertised here as and when they are arranged.
Contract awards
Below is a spreadsheet of quarterly contract awards made through the DPS
- Bus Services DPS Award notification 2024-25 Q1 to Q3 XLS 118 KB
- Bus Services DPS Award notification 2023-24 Q1 to Q4 XLS 108 KB
- Bus Services DPS Award notification 2022-23 Q1 to Q4 XLS 126 KB
- Bus Services DPS Award notification 2021-22 Q1 to Q4 XLS 120 KB
- Bus Services DPS Award notification 2020-21 Q1 to Q4 XLS 126 KB