LPS CORP - Provision of Apprenticeship Levy Training and Assessment Providers - LCC43604

Negotiation Number * LCC43604
Contract Reference * PH/CORP/LCC/25/401
Contract Title * Provision of Apprenticeship Levy Training and Assessment Providers
Tender Process Closing Date * 20/03/2025 11am
Expressions of Interest invited before: (if applicable)  
Further Information/Documentation to be requested from (web location) * Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal
Contract Start Date * 02/06/2025
Contract End Date * 01/06/2027
Is this notice linked to another notice? * No
Is this a sub-contract? * (Please select) No
Annual Contract Value * £3,000,000
Total Contract Value * £12,000,000
Is this suitable for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)? * Yes
Is this suitable for VCSE (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise)? * No
Please specify the Contract Type to be used * Services
What Procedure Type will be used for this Procurement? * Open Procedure (Above Threshold)
Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance *  North West
CPV Code(s) * 80000000; 80400000
NUTS Code(s) UKD43
Description * LCC is inviting tenders on the terms set out in the ITT for the provision of Apprenticeship Levy Training and Assessment Providers. The Invitation to Tender stage is restricted to those organisations listed on APAR (Apprenticeship Providers and Assessment Register) as a main provider, have an Ofsted rating of good or outstanding and provide a quality apprenticeship as described by the Institute of Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).
Contact Name * Paul Horrocks
Contact Email Address * contractscorporate@lancashire.gov.uk
Contact Address * County Hall
Contact Town/City * Preston
Contact Postcode * PR1 0LD
Contact Telephone Number * 01772 538038
Awarding Authority * Lancashire County Council
Tender Documents are available until: * 20/03/2025
Other information:  (Please add any additional information): The framework will be split into 21 main lots. Bidders are invited to bid for one or more main lots but will only be awarded a maximum of 5 lots, unless there is only one compliant bid for a specific lot in which case the Authority reserves the right to award more than 5 lots to a tenderer, full details of the award methodology can be found within the tender documentation. It is envisaged that the framework will commence on or around the 2nd of June 2025 and sucessful tenderers will be required to deliver and facilitate apprenticeship enrolments from September 2025, The framework will be let for an initial period of 24 months, with an option to extend the framework beyond the initial term to a maximum period of a further 24 months.