LPS CAS – Provision of Routine Grounds Maintenance Services – Dynamic Purchasing System - LCC 14079
Contract Reference LW/CAS/LCC/21/1212
Routine Grounds Maintenance Services are procured on behalf of Schools and other establishments across Lancashire and on occasion outside the Lancashire district.
Details of the type of work required typically include maintenance of grassed and planted areas, maintenance of trees, hedges and bushes, leaf clearance, herbicide treatments and the maintenance of sports, games and playground facilities. (Please refer to the Specification for more detailed information.)
Service Providers can apply to join the DPS at any time during the term of the DPS. If a Service Providers response does not meet the requirements, they will be invited to re-apply.
At mini-competition stage, establishments will be batched into geographical areas and service providers accepted onto the DPS will be eligible to submit a tender for one or more batches. It is anticipated that approximately 140 sites will be tendered annually via the i-supplier portal.
Invitation to Participate
- Invitation to Participate Grounds Maintenance DPS PDF 620 KB
- Schedule 1 - Specification - Grounds Maintenance PDF 477 KB
- Schedule 2 - Evaluation Criteria - Selection and Award PDF 363 KB
- Schedule 4 - Contract Acceptance Form PDF 127 KB
- Grounds Maintenance DPS Selection Questionnaire (COMPLETE & RETURN).docx DOCX 749 KB
DPS Agreement and Call of Terms
- Grounds Maintenance DPS Agreement PDF 291 KB
- Schedule 5 - Grounds Maintenance DPS Call Off Terms PDF 422 KB
User Guides
- FAQs Grounds Maintenance DPS 200921 PDF 263 KB
- Grounds Maintenance DPS Overview PDF 263 KB
The DPS is now open for requests to participate.
To participate and join the DPS, please download and complete the Selection Questionnaire from the list of documents below. Your completed Selection Questionnaire must be returned via the Oracle Fusion portal: www.lancashire.gov.uk/isupplier under LCC 14079.
Further information, including instructions on how to participate and apply to join the DPS, user guides, and terms and conditions can be downloaded from the list of documents below:
Contract Awards
- Grounds Maintenance DPS Contracts Awarded XLSX 20 KB