Lead local flood authority planning advice service for surface water and sustainable drainage
Applicants for planning permission can seek advice from the Lead Local Flood Authority regarding their major development proposals for surface water and sustainable drainage systems.
The benefits to accessing Lead Local Flood Authority advice are:
- relevant, accurate up-to-date advice regarding surface water and sustainable drainage systems
- feedback on indicative proposals
- reduced likelihood of surface water and/or sustainable drainage issues that could potentially affect your application
When to access the service
You can access this service:
- before submitting any major planning application (including discharge of conditions)
- during the planning application process, for example, to seek advice on a development proposal which has received objection(s) on surface water and/or sustainable drainage grounds
- once you have planning permission and are ready to discharge conditions relating to surface water and/or sustainable drainage systems, including to seek advice about detailed drainage design of a major development following the grant of planning permission
How to apply for this service
You must complete an application form specifying the package you would like, along with the details requested and all supporting information.
Cost of the service
The cost of this service depends on the package you select along with any optional extras. You can find details of our fees and charges in our guidance notes and terms of service.
Application form and guidance
Please return your application to suds@lancashire.gov.uk.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) pro-forma
We recommend that applications to our Planning Advice Service, and for applications for major planning permission, are accompanied by a SuDS pro-forma. The pro-forma will assist you with summarising and evidencing your approach to surface water sustainable drainage proposals.
- Sustainable drainage systems pro-forma DOCX 193 KB
- Guidance notes for sustainable drainage systems pro-forma PDF 605 KB
Climate change allowances
Guidance on how the new climate change allowances allowances are expected to be applied in Lancashire.